I have a string that contains an array of JSON objects. Using Golang, I want to remove one or more specified fields from each object in the array, and then print the stringified result. I need to apply this field-removal process to a number of different JSON input formats and so I don't want to use a model. Here's some skeleton code with one form of example input and desired output:
package main
import (
func functionDropSpecifiedFields(inputString string, fields []string) string {
var outputString string
// Need some logic here to remove each field in array 'fields'!
return outputString
func main() {
jsonArrayAsString := `[{"name":"Marlon","age":25,"created_at":"2025-02-10T08:51:14.615264Z"},{"name":"Wendy","age":31,"created_at":"2025-11-14T08:46:09.435264Z"}]`
fieldsToRemove := []string{"created_at"}
reducedString := functionDropSpecifiedFields(jsonArrayAsString, fieldsToRemove)
// Should print: [{"name":"Marlon","age":25},{"name":"Wendy","age":31}]
What logic in functionDropSpecifiedFields will achieve this?
It can be certainly achieved, by first collecting your results into a slice of interface{}
types and then process, each entry in the slice as a map[string]interface{}
. This way, the encode/decode happens, without knowing the specific object types
func functionDropSpecifiedFields(inputString string, fields []string) string {
var result []interface{}
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(inputString), &result); err != nil {
for i := range result {
if obj, ok := result[i].(map[string]interface{}); ok {
for _, field := range fields {
delete(obj, field)
toJson, err := json.Marshal(result)
if err != nil {
return string(toJson)