I'm working with supabase-csharp in a .NET project and trying to perform a database query using a LIKE filter. My code looks like this:
using Supabase;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Supabase.Postgrest.Models;
using Supabase.Postgrest.Attributes;
public async Task<List<Album>> AlbumByTitle(SearchValue sv)
var result = await supabase.From<Album>()
.Filter(x => x.Name, Operator.Like, $"{sv.ValueSearch}")
return result.Models;
However, I get the following compilation error: CS0103: The name 'Operator' does not exist in the current context.
I have Installed supabase-csharp using dotnet add package supabase-csharp. Ensured that using Postgrest.Constants; is included. Tried referencing Operator.Like directly, but it is not recognized. I also uninstalled the nuget packet supabase csharp and only installed the supabase packet as described in the documentation on supabase but the error remains the same Is there a newer syntax or an alternative way to use the LIKE filter in Supabase-C#?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
It seems that Operator.Like
is defined in the static
class Constants
, so you can either add static using to the top of the file:
using static Supabase.Postgrest.Constants;
Or use the class name to access the members:
using Supabase.Postgrest;
// ....
.Filter(..., Constants.Operator.Like, ...)