I am verifying a matrix multiplication procedure: Here is my code:
predicate abvalid(a:array<array<int>>, b:array<array<int>>)
reads a, b
a.Length > 0
&& b.Length > 0
&& (forall i, j ::(0 <= i < a.Length && 0 <= j < a.Length) ==> (a[i].Length == a[j].Length == b.Length))
&& forall i, j :: (0 <= i < b.Length && 0 <= j < b.Length) ==> (b[i].Length == b[j].Length>0)
function rowcolmulAux(a:array<array<int>>, b:array<array<int>>, row:int, col:int, k :int) :int
requires abvalid(a, b)
requires 0<=row < a.Length
requires 0<=col < b[0].Length
requires 0 <= k <= a[0].Length
decreases a[0].Length - k
reads a[..]
reads b[..]
reads a, b
ensures rowcolmulAux(a, b, row, col, k) == if k == a[0].Length then 0 else a[row][k] * b[k][col] + rowcolmulAux(a, b, row, col, k+1)
ensures (k == a[0].Length ==> rowcolmulAux(a, b, row, col, k) == 0) && (k < a[0].Length ==> rowcolmulAux(a, b, row, col, k) == a[row][k] * b[k][col] + rowcolmulAux(a, b, row, col, k+1))
if k == a[0].Length then 0
else a[row][k] * b[k][col] + rowcolmulAux(a, b, row, col, k+1)
function rowcolmul(a:array<array<int>>, b:array<array<int>>, row:int, col:int) :int
reads a
reads b
reads a[..]
reads b[..]
requires abvalid(a, b)
requires 0<=row < a.Length
requires 0<=col < b[0].Length
ensures rowcolmul(a, b, row, col) == rowcolmulAux(a, b, row, col, 0)
ensures rowcolmul(a, b, row, col) == rowcolmul(a, b, row, col)
rowcolmulAux(a, b, row, col, 0)
method rowmul(a:array<array<int>>, b:array<array<int>>, c1:array<int>, index:int, indexc: int)
requires abvalid(a, b)
requires 0 <= index < a.Length
requires c1.Length == b[0].Length
requires 0 <= indexc < c1.Length
modifies c1
ensures forall i :: 0 <= i < c1.Length && i != indexc ==> c1[i] == old(c1[i])
ensures c1[indexc] == rowcolmul(a, b, index, indexc)
c1[indexc] := rowcolmul(a, b, index, indexc);
: ensures that a
and b
are valid matrices.
and rowcolmulAux
: two functions to do the computation for the output matrix's one item.
: a method to store the computation for the output matrix's one item.
Dafny complains that
Could not prove: c1[indexc] == rowcolmul(a, b, index, indexc)
The rowmul only has one statement:
c1[indexc] := rowcolmul(a, b, index, indexc);
So I assume that c1[indexc] == rowcolmul(a, b, index, indexc)
The issue comes from reads a[..]
and reads b[..]
. This indicates that any reference could be read, including c1
Making Dafny know that c1
cannot be accessed solves this issue:
method rowmul(a:array<array<int>>, b:array<array<int>>, c1:array<int>, index:int, indexc: int)
requires abvalid(a, b)
requires 0 <= index < a.Length
requires c1.Length == b[0].Length
requires 0 <= indexc < c1.Length
modifies c1
ensures forall i :: 0 <= i < c1.Length && i != indexc ==> c1[i] == old(c1[i])
ensures c1[indexc] == rowcolmulAux(a, b, index, indexc, 0)
requires forall i :: 0 <= i < a.Length ==> c1 != a[i]
requires forall i :: 0 <= i < b.Length ==> c1 != b[i]
c1[indexc] := rowcolmul(a, b, index, indexc);
This ensures that the write to c1[indexc]
in the first line of the implementation does not change any particular a[i]
and b[i]
The answer comes from Dafny's Zulip channel.