I am trying to default collapse one of my categories inside of my argsTable since it will contain a lot of controls.
My argTypes
looks like this
"component": {
"control": "text",
"table": {
"category": "Utility"
"flex": {
"control": "text",
"table": {
"category": "Higher Order Component"
"display": {
"control": "text",
"table": {
"category": "Higher Order Component"
Is there a option that defaults the table accordion to be closed? And can it be applied per category?
A bit late and not the answer I wanted myself, but found a hacky workaround by finding the relevant category using a querySelector and clicking it.
Didn't manage to get the props provided by Storybook to work 🤷♂️
Something like this worked for me:
import { Decorator } from '@storybook/react';
import { useEffect } from 'react';
/** @type { import('@storybook/react').Preview } */
const preview = {
parameters: {
docs: {},
options: {},
controls: {
matchers: {
color: /(background|color)$/i,
date: /Date$/,
decorators: [
(Story => {
useEffect(() => {
setTimeout(() => {
// Find the first <tr> with a title starting with "Hide <category>"
const tr = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('tr'))
.find(tr => tr.getAttribute('title')?.startsWith('Hide Higher Order Component'));
// Find the first button inside that <tr>
const button = tr?.querySelector('button[tabindex="0"]');
if (button) {
(button as HTMLElement).click();
}, 10);
}, []);
return Story();
}) as Decorator,
export default preview;