If I need to transform this template:
<template v-if="props.componentType === 'GeButton'">
<template v-else-if="props.componentType === 'SugerenciaGE'">
to this template:
v-bind="{ data: componentData }" />
The events needs to be captured how? (Because each component has its own event names.) So the target is to captured them dynamically
I know is using the directive v-on="{..eventName}"
v-bind="{ data: componentData }"
v-on="{ ...capturedEvent(componentData) }"
But it's been called out of control every second that way.
I solved it just by renaming the prop of every child component in a object with the same prop name like so -> In a child component
interface Props {
estilos?: string
data: IDetalleEstacion | INarrowDown
const props = withDefaults(defineProps<Props>(), {
estilos: '',
another child component like so:
const props = defineProps<{
data: buttonProps
then in the parent component:
:="{ data: componentProps }"