I am using dagger wherein I am writing code using golang sdk. I want to perform integration testing for which I would need to start a postgres service. Once the postgres service is up I would want to start liquibase service to migrate data into the postgres database.
Here is my code
func (m *DaggerEnvy) IntegrationTest(ctx context.Context, source *dagger.Directory,
npmrcFile *dagger.Secret,
// optional
// +default="postgres"
// optional
// +default="postgres"
// optional
// +default="postgres"
dbPassword string,
) (string, error) {
// postgres service
postgresService := m.postgresService(ctx, dbName, dbUser, dbPassword)
defer postgresService.Stop(ctx)
// liquibase service
liquibaseService := m.liquibaseContainer(ctx, source, postgresService, dbName)
defer liquibaseService.Stop(ctx)
return m.buildNodeEnv(source, npmrcFile).
WithServiceBinding("postgres-service", postgresService).
WithServiceBinding("liquibase-service", liquibaseService).
WithExec([]string{"npm", "run", "migrate:db"}).
func (m *DaggerEnvy) postgresService(
ctx context.Context,
// optional
// +default="postgres"
// optional
// +default="root"
// optional
// +default="postgres"
dbPassword string,
) *dagger.Service {
// ? should optional parameters be stored in .env file?
// postgresDataVolume := dag.CacheVolume("./postgres-data") // Path for local persistence
return dag.Container().From("postgres:17").
WithEnvVariable(constants.POSTGRES_USER, dbUser).
WithEnvVariable(constants.POSTGRES_PASSWORD, dbPassword).
WithEnvVariable(constants.POSTGRES_DB, dbName).
// WithMountedCache("/var/lib/postgresql/data", postgresDataVolume).
UseEntrypoint: true,
func (m *DaggerEnvy) liquibaseContainer(
ctx context.Context,
source *dagger.Directory,
postgresService *dagger.Service,
// +optional
// +default="postgres"
dbName string,
) *dagger.Service {
return dag.Container().
WithFile("/liquibase/master.yaml", source.File("src/server/schema/liquibase/master.yaml")).
WithDirectory("/liquibase/changelog", source.Directory("src/server/schema/changelog")).
WithEnvVariable("LIQUIBASE_COMMAND_URL", fmt.Sprintf("jdbc:postgresql://postgres-service:5432/%s", dbName)).
WithEnvVariable("LIQUIBASE_COMMAND_USERNAME", "postgres").
WithEnvVariable("LIQUIBASE_COMMAND_PASSWORD", "postgres").
WithEnvVariable("LIQUIBASE_COMMAND_CHANGELOG_FILE", "master.yaml").
WithExec([]string{"liquibase", "update"}).
When I run this using dagger call integration-test ...
then I am getting following error
Starting Liquibase at 12:14:08 using Java 17.0.13 (version 4.30.0 #4943 buil
2024-10-31 17:00+0000)
Liquibase Version: 4.30.0
Liquibase Open Source 4.30.0 by Liquibase
ERROR: Exception Details
ERROR: Exception Primary Class: UnknownHostException
ERROR: Exception Primary Reason: postgres-service
ERROR: Exception Primary Source: 4.30.0
Unexpected error running Liquibase: Connection could not be created to jdbc:
postgresql://postgres-service:5432/postgres with driver org.postgresql.Drive
r. The connection attempt failed.
For more information, please use the --log-level flag
! process "liquibase update" did not complete successfully: exit code: 1
According to my understanding the liquibase-service
has started its execution before postgres-service
is ready to accept connections.
I am also facing a similar issue where is WithExec([]string{"npm", "run", "migrate:db"})
gets executed before completion of both services.
How should I make the service binding run in synchronously? I am using dagger version: v0.15.1
I have generated dagger files using following command: dagger init --sdk=go
Let me know if anything more is required here.
We dont need to manually wait for the postgres service to start and accept connections. When we use it along with container using WithServiceBinding("postgres-service", postgresService)
it should work correctly.
If we want to start the service explicitly then we can use Start
postgresService := m.postgresService(ctx, dbName, dbUser, dbPassword)
postgresService, err := postgresService.Start(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
This should start the service before binding it with the container