I haven't worked with Vue for a while and now I am struggling with something that seems simple.
I have a store where I plan to keep a state for the whole app. Currently I only have one boolean property snap
with which I control move and resize of divs on a grid.
The code for the abstract and actual store:
import { reactive, readonly } from 'vue';
export abstract class Store<T extends Object> {
protected state: T;
constructor(data: T) {
this.state = reactive(data) as T;
public getState(): T {
return readonly(this.state) as T;
import { Store } from "./Store";
interface AppState extends Object {
snap: boolean;
class AppStore extends Store<AppState> {
constructor() {
snap: true,
public setSnap(snap: boolean) {
this.state.snap = snap;
export const appStore: AppStore = new AppStore();
In my root component I have a computed value so it can be used in the template:
const snap = computed({
get() {
set(newValue: boolean) {
And in the template I have a simple checkbox:
<label for="snap">Snap to grid <input type="checkbox" id="snap" v-model="snap"></label>
This works once I use it, but I set it to true in the store, but when I load the app the checkbox is not checked. What am I missing?
I now added additional fields, but they have the same problem.
Example Code (though I get a weird error in the console): play.vuejs.org
Even more simplified (you can see the state value is true but only once you check and uncheck the checkbox the value is in sync): play.vuejs.org
I reproduced the situation in my machine. It seems like you forgot to add a return word in App.vue :). It works well and the checkbox is checked at first time
const snap = computed({
get() {
**return** appStore.getState().snap;
set(newValue: boolean) {