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Error 'FastaIterator' object has no attribute 'records' in Biopython

Today, when I executed the following code, I suddenly got an error and could not execute the code Error 'FastaIterator' object has no attribute 'records' in Biopython. I have never had any errors before, so I'm so confused.

seq = SeqIO.parse(concensus_path, "fasta")

for record in seq.records:
    SeqIO.write(record, folder + '/' +'(')[0].replace('_0_', '_') + '.fasta', "fasta")

The first part of the long script is to split a fasta file containing multiple dna sequences into fasta file containing a single dna sequence.

Is there any way to deal with these problems? Input fasta file has no problems at all. I tried with a file that was working fine before, but it also gave an error...


  • According to the docs here, you can access the records by just iterating over the returned iterator:

    from Bio import SeqIO
    for record in SeqIO.parse("example.fasta", "fasta"):