I have a field called Serial Number in FileMaker, and I need to extract the numeric portion of the string that appears before the first letter (A-Z), after removing the first 6 characters.
Here's the behavior I expect:
For example:
I've tried using a Let function with Position and Min to find the first letter and extract the digits, but I’m encountering issues where the calculation does not work as expected.
Here's what I thought would work initially (I don't think "[A-Z]" is a valid input for the Position function):
Middle ( Serial Number; 7; Position ( Serial Number; "[A-Z]" ; 7 ; 1 )- 7)
Here’s my most recent attempt:
GetAsNumber (
Let (
stripped = Right( Serial Number ; Length( Serial Number ) - 6 ) ;
firstLetterPos = Min(
Position( stripped ; "A" ; 1 ; 1 ) ;
Position( stripped ; "B" ; 1 ; 1 ) ;
Position( stripped ; "C" ; 1 ; 1 ) ;
) ;
firstLetterPos = If( firstLetterPos = 0 ; Length( stripped ) + 1 ; firstLetterPos ) ;
numericPart = Left( stripped ; firstLetterPos - 1 )
] ;
GetAsNumber( numericPart )
What I'm Looking For:
Does this work for you?
Let ([
// test input. Put your real input here:
~serial = "12345P382M45" ;
~stripped = Right ( ~serial ; Length ( ~serial ) - 6 ) ;
~letter = Left ( Filter ( ~stripped ; "qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmQWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM" ) ; 1 ) ;
~pos = Position ( ~stripped ; ~letter ; 1 ; 1 ) ;
// I'm not sure what you want to happen if there are no letters
// but this will return EVERYTHING after the first 6 digits in
// the absense of letters(~pos == 0)
~res = If (
~pos > 0 ;
Left ( ~stripped ; ~pos - 1 ) ;
GetAsNumber ( ~res )