I'm trying to upgrade Django from 3.1 to 3.2, and one of the error that I encountered was endpoints that I have that duplicate resources and their related models.
In this example:
name='Duplicate one resource',
def duplicate(self, request, pk=None):
foo = self.get_object() # gets foo
foo_bars = foo.foo_bars.all() # gets a queryset of FooBar
new_name = self.append_copy_suffix(foo.name)
new_foo = foo.copy_instance(name=new_name) # code below
print(foo, new_foo)
[FooBar(foo=new_foo, bar=foo_bar.bar, stuff=foo_bar.stuff) for foo_bar in foo_bars]
return Response(self.get_serializer(new_foo).data, status=status.HTTP_201_CREATED)
def copy_instance(self, **kwargs):
Method to copy a model instance
More info here: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.1/topics/db/queries/#copying-model-instances
:param kwargs: additional parameters to update
:return: the duplicated resource
new_resource = self
new_resource.pk = None
for k, v in kwargs.items():
setattr(new_resource, k, v)
new_resource._state.adding = True
return new_resource
This works pretty well in Django 3.1, but in Django 3.2, the related resources are not created for some reason.
Things that I noticed in debug and printing the values:
and new_foo
, they are the same one (new_foo
is empty. Maybe because the foo
and new_foo
are the same one before the bulk_create
and the foo_bars
is just a queryset that was yet to be executed.What do I need to fix in order for this to work?
Tried the Serhii Fomenko approach, and it worked. Also I've implemented another way that it works (might be the same).
def copy_instance(self, **kwargs):
new_resource = copy.deepcopy(self)
new_resource.pk = None
for k, v in kwargs.items():
setattr(new_resource, k, v)
new_resource._state.adding = True
return new_resource
def copy_instance(self, **kwargs):
new_resource = self.__class__()
for attr, value in self.__dict__.items():
setattr(new_resource, attr, value)
new_resource.pk = None
new_resource.id = None
for k, v in kwargs.items():
setattr(new_resource, k, v)
new_resource._state.adding = True
return new_resource
Regarding this problem, I've tried the Serhii Fomenko approach and it worked. Thanks for the help :)
def copy_instance(self, **kwargs):
new_resource = copy.deepcopy(self)
new_resource.pk = None
for k, v in kwargs.items():
setattr(new_resource, k, v)
new_resource._state.adding = True
return new_resource