I need to make a request to a URL like this /common/path/:userId/specific/path/endpoints
. /common/path
is shared across many endpoints, and I don't want to put all of those queries in the same file. Ideally, I'd create a slice for /common/path/:userId/specific/path
and its endpoints. I have userId when the store is created. Could I pass userId into the slice and put it in the baseUrl somehow?
Or am I approaching this wrong? Is there a better way? I can't change the structure of the URL.
EDIT: This is what I'm trying.
In MyFile.jsx
const store = configureStore({reducer: mySlice, userId})
In mySlice.js
export const mySlice = createApi({
reducerPath: 'api',
baseQuery: fetchBaseQuery({
baseUrl: `/common/path/${state.userId}/specific/path`
endpoints: {4 endpoints defined here}
But this doesn't work, because state
and getState
are not accessible when creating the baseUrl.
But this doesn't work, because
are not accessible when creating thebaseUrl
They are actually, but you need to create a custom baseQuery
See Implementing a custom baseQuery
for details.
Create a base query function that accesses the Redux api
to access the current state at the time a request is made to compute the desired baseUrl
value that is then passed along to the actual fetchBaseQuery
you are using.
Basic Example:
import { createApi, fetchBaseQuery } from "@reduxjs/toolkit/query/react";
const baseQuery = (baseQueryArgs = {}) => async (
fetchArgs = {},
extraOptions = {},
) => {
const { getState } = api;
const state = getState();
const baseUrl = `/common/path/${state.userId}/specific/path`;
return fetchBaseQuery({
})(fetchArgs, api, extraOptions);
export const mySlice = createApi({
reducerPath: 'api',
baseQuery: baseQuery(),
endpoints: {/* 4 endpoints defined here */}
If you wanted this to be a little more robust you could pass a baseUrl
string with some placeholder text that is replaced in baseQuery
import { createApi, fetchBaseQuery } from "@reduxjs/toolkit/query/react";
const baseQuery = (baseQueryArgs = {}) => async (
fetchArgs = {},
extraOptions = {},
) => {
const { getState } = api;
const state = getState();
const baseUrl = baseQueryArgs.baseUrl.replace("{{userId}}", state.userId);
return fetchBaseQuery({
})(fetchArgs, api, extraOptions);
export const mySlice = createApi({
reducerPath: 'api',
baseQuery: baseQuery({
baseUrl: "/common/path/{{userId}}/specific/path",
endpoints: {/* 4 endpoints defined here */}