Word has an annoying feature where a Paragraph is placed after every Table containing formatting information for that Table.
If your Table falls at the end of a page, this Paragraph can end up on the next page, creating a blank/empty page.
I know there is a workaround for this by setting the font for that Paragraph to be something very small (such as 1 point), however I can only get that working when editing the document via Word after the document is created. Trying edit the font-size of that paragraph programmatically using OpenXML does not give me the results I expect.
The manual workaround is not acceptable for my client, is there any way to remedy this?
Here are some things I have tried:
1. Deleting the last Paragraph:
2. Grabbing all RunProperties of the last paragraph, removing all instances of FontSize, and adding new instances of FontSize.
OpenXML.Table lastTable = oNewReportDoc.MainDocumentPart.Document.Body
OpenXML.Paragraph paraToEdit = lastTable.NextSibling<OpenXML.Paragraph>();
List<RunProperties> runProps = paraToEdit.Descendants<RunProperties>().ToList();
foreach (RunProperties rp in runProps)
rp.AddChild(new FontSize() { Val = "1" });
When tracing through the debugger, this is what paraToEdit's InnerXML looks like before the loop
<w:pPr xmlns:w="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/wordprocessingml/2006/main">
<w:jc w:val="center" />
<w:rFonts w:ascii="Monospac821 BT" w:hAnsi="Monospac821 BT" />
<w:sz w:val="15" /> // Font Size
<w:r xmlns:w="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/wordprocessingml/2006/main">
<w:rFonts w:ascii="Monospac821 BT" w:hAnsi="Monospac821 BT" />
<w:sz w:val="15" /> // Font Size
<w:t />
and now after the loop
<w:pPr xmlns:w="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/wordprocessingml/2006/main">
<w:jc w:val="center" />
<w:rFonts w:ascii="Monospac821 BT" w:hAnsi="Monospac821 BT" />
<w:sz w:val="15" /> // Unchanged font size
<w:r xmlns:w="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/wordprocessingml/2006/main">
<w:rFonts w:ascii="Monospac821 BT" w:hAnsi="Monospac821 BT" />
<w:sz w:val="1" /> // Changed font size
<w:t />
As you can see, there are 2 instances of RunProperties here (w:rPr), so my next approach tries to grab the first RunProperties located within the ParagraphProperties (w:pPr)
3. (Attempting to) Grab the RunProperties from the ParagraphProperties in addition
OpenXML.Table lastTable = oNewReportDoc.MainDocumentPart.Document.Body
OpenXML.Paragraph paraToEdit = lastTable.NextSibling<OpenXML.Paragraph>();
List<RunProperties> runProps = paraToEdit.Descendants<RunProperties>().ToList();
List<ParagraphProperties> paraProps = paraToEdit.Descendants<ParagraphProperties>().ToList();
foreach(ParagraphProperties pp in paraProps)
// I also tried using Descendents<RunProperties> here, but both return null
RunProperties addRunProps = pp.GetFirstChild<RunProperties>();
runProps.Add(addRunProps); // Nothing gets added
foreach (RunProperties rp in runProps)
rp.AddChild(new FontSize() { Val = "1" });
Would anyone be able to provide me guidance on where to go from here?
I have found a solution to my problem.
Thanks to @itallmakescents, I was able to use the OpenXML Productivity Tool to compare the XML output of what my program generated vs. my expectations.
It turns out the first <w:rPr> tag is not a RunProperties tag, but a ParagraphMarkRunProperties tag instead. I needed to remove the FontSize instance belonging to the RunProperties tag, and change the FontSize of the ParagraphMarkRunProperties to 1pt.
My final solution can be seen here:
OpenXML.Table lastTable = oNewReportDoc.MainDocumentPart.Document.Body
OpenXML.Paragraph paraToEdit = lastTable.NextSibling<OpenXML.Paragraph>();
List<RunProperties> runProps = paraToEdit.Descendants<RunProperties>().ToList();
List<ParagraphMarkRunProperties> pMarkProps = paraToEdit.Descendants<ParagraphMarkRunProperties>().ToList();
foreach (RunProperties rp in runProps)
foreach (ParagraphMarkRunProperties prp in pMarkProps)
prp.AddChild(new FontSize() { Val = "2" });