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Cannot initialize a variable of type 'test_nested *' with an rvalue of type 'test_nested *' (aka 'test::test_nested *') using nested class, pointers

I'm trying to gain access to array's in the *some_nested_array witch is a properties of private nested class, i would also like to delete a pointer of array of array's.

error indation

#include <iostream>

class test_nested;
class test{
    class test_nested{
        unsigned char array_index;
        unsigned char *some_nested_array;
        test_nested():array_index(10), some_nested_array(new unsigned char[array_index]){
            std::cout << "test_nested created" << std::endl;
            // for(unsigned char i = 0; i != array_index; i++){
            //     //std::cout << "some_array[" << array_index << "]!" << &some_nested_array[i] << std::endl;
            //     std::cout << "some_array: " << &some_nested_array[i] << std::endl;
            // }
    test_nested* test_nested_array;
    test(): test_nested_array(new test_nested[10]){
        std::cout << "test created" << std::endl;
    void remove_Item(unsigned char index){

        //delete &this->test_nested_array[index];
        //this->test_nested_array[index] = NULL;
        delete[] test_nested_array;

    //test_nested(* connect(unsigned char index)){
    test_nested* connect(unsigned char index){
        return &this->test_nested_array[index];

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    test A;
    test_nested *temp = A.connect(6); // error: Cannot initialize a variable of type 'test_nested *' with an rvalue of type 'test_nested *'

    // for(unsigned char i = 0; i != array_index; i++){
    //     //std::cout << "some_array[" << array_index << "]!" << &some_nested_array[i] << std::endl;
    //     std::cout << "some_array: " << &some_nested_array[i] << std::endl;
    // }
    //delete A;
    QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);

    return -1;


  • You have two different declarations of the test_nested structure.

    The first is the one you declare in the global scope, which is really named ::test_nested. Then there's the one you declare inside the test class, which has the name ::test::test_nested (or just test::test_nested for short).

    In the main function you use ::test_nested, not test::test_nested, which leads top your error.

    Use the correct structure and the error should disappear.