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SQLExecute() returns SQL_NEED_DATA

This is a new question based on Why does SQLExecute() return SQL_NEED_DATA even though I'm binding all query parameters?.

In the original question I got a suggestion to try and bind parameters one by one.

Here is what I have:

  1. I modified the query to be:

     query2 = L"INSERT INTO abcattbl SELECT ?, 'abcatcol', (SELECT object_id FROM sys.objects o, sys.schemas s WHERE s.schema_id = o.schema_id AND = 'abcatcol' AND = 'dbo'),  \'\', 8, 400, \'N\', 0, 0, 34, 0, \'MS Sans Serif\', 8, 400, \'N\', 0, 0, 34, 0, \'MS Sans Serif\', 8, 400, \'N\', 0, 0, 34, 0, \'MS Sans Serif\', \'\' WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM dbo.abcattbl WHERE abt_tnam='abcatcol' AND abt_ownr='dbo');";
  2. The table creation script reads:

     IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE name='abcattbl' AND xtype='U') CREATE TABLE \"abcattbl\"(abt_os tinyint, abt_tnam nchar(129) NOT NULL, abt_tid integer, abt_ownr nchar(129) NOT NULL, abd_fhgt smallint, abd_fwgt smallint, abd_fitl char(1), abd_funl integer, abd_fstr integer, abd_fchr smallint, abd_fptc smallint, abd_ffce char(18), abh_fhgt smallint, abh_fwgt smallint, abh_fitl char(1), abh_funl integer, abh_fstr integer, abh_fchr smallint, abh_fptc smallint, abh_ffce char(18), abl_fhgt smallint, abl_fwgt smallint, abl_fitl char(1), abl_funl integer, abl_fstr integer, abl_fchr smallint, abl_fptc smallint, abl_ffce char(18), abt_cmnt nchar(254) );
  3. The binding code to the first parameter abt_os looks like:

     ret = SQLBindParameter( stmt, 1, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_TINYINT, SQL_TINYINT, 0, 0, &osid, 0, &cbParam[2] );
     if( ret != SQL_SUCCESS && ret != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO )
         GetErrorMessage( errorMsg, STMT_ERROR, stmt );
         result = 1;

This code still returns SQL_NEED_DATA on SQLExecute().

Could someone spot an issue?


  • This turned out to be a simple mistake.

    The last parameter to the SQLBindParameter() needs to be initialized with 0.