It's rather easy to get persons with the names 'Peter', 'Paul' and 'Jeff'
var persons = await context.Persons.Where(p => nameList.Contains(p.Name)).ToArrayAsync();
And it's also easy to get all persons named 'Jeff' from Springfield with blonde hair.
var persons = await context.Persons.Where(p =>
p.Name == 'Jeff' && p.City == 'Springfield' && p.Hair == 'blonde').ToArrayAsync();
But imagine I have a list of let's n persons without any information of a primary key. I can determine them by name, city and hair color? How do I express a single linq query to get this data? Or do I have to ask the DB again and again and again?
You can do this using the or operator (||
var persons = await context.Persons.Where(p =>
(p.Name == 'Jeff' && p.City == 'Springfield' && p.Hair == 'blonde')
|| (p.Name == 'Tom' && p.City == 'New York' && p.Hair == 'black')
|| (p.Name == 'Tim' && p.City == 'Chicago' && p.Hair == 'ginger'))