I have an Android app in Kotlin with a Webview. Now i want to communicate from the website to the native app via Javascript.
What i want to achieve is to manipulate the brightness of the Tablet. My Code is (shorten):
public class FullscreenActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
val webView = findViewById<WebView>(R.id.webView)
webView.addJavascriptInterface(WebAppInterface(this), "Android")
public fun jsmessage() {
val lp = this.window.attributes
lp.screenBrightness = WindowManager.LayoutParams.BRIGHTNESS_OVERRIDE_OFF
this.window.attributes = lp
public class WebAppInterface(mContext: Context) {
public fun message(data: String) {
Log.d("TAG", data)
((FullscreenActivity)mContext).jsmessage() <-- Here is the error
But i'll get the error 'Unresolved reference: mContext'. Can someone explain me how i can achieve what i want?
(context as MainActivity).brightness(data.toInt())
I've asked Copilot and this seems to be the solution which worked for me.