Search code examples

How to Implement Full-Text Search with PostgreSQL Using Blaze Persistence CriteriaBuilder?

I am designing a Dynamic Criteria Builder which takes in filter parameters (field, operator, value) and returns constructed CriteriaBuilder object. I iterate over parameters and use each parameter to add to Criteria, where:

  • Field: used in .where().

  • Operator: Determines the restriction (.eq(), .le(), .isNull(), etc.).

  • Value: Added to the restriction as parameter, if applicable.

While most of the time it does the job, I'm having difficulties implementing Restriction Builder for Full text search of PostgreSQL (, particularly with"@@" operator / predicate.

I assume that policy of Blaze Persistence developers might be similar to Criteria API developers (, so I simply wanted to check if someone else tried solving this task using Blaze Persistence and came up with elegant solution (or at least a better one than I came up with).

Suggested solution:

My approach adds two custom JPQL functions: first invoked in the BaseWhereBuilder, the second one in the RestrictionBuilder:

First function "TS_VECTOR_PREFIX":

    public void render(FunctionRenderContext context) {

Second function "TS_VECTOR_MAIN":

    public void render(FunctionRenderContext context) {
        context.addChunk("1 AND TO_TSVECTOR('simple',");
        context.addChunk(") @@ TO_TSQUERY('simple',");

The idea is to "fool" the CriteriaBuilder by adding two conditions at once:

  1. A trivial condition (1 = 1) to utilize added "="from .eqExpression() from the CriteriaBuilder.

  2. The actual full-text search condition using @@.

Here is how it looks like in the CriteriaBuilder (I want to return entities which has words "pamel" and "Blake" in the singe_string_name column, adding prefix search):

public <T> PagedList<T> findRecords(Class<T> view, QueryData query, int offset, int pageSize, Sort sort) {
        CriteriaBuilder<SomeEntity> criteriaBuilder = criteriaBuilderFactory.create(entityManager, SomeEntity.class);

        criteriaBuilder.where("TS_VECTOR_PREFIX()").eqExpression("TS_VECTOR_MAIN(names.singleStringName, 'pamel:*&Blake:*')");

        return entityViewManager.applySetting(EntityViewSetting.create(view), criteriaBuilder)
                .page(offset, pageSize)

While this solution works for my current needs, I find it inelegant due to the fact that I create main condition itself by passing it as a Value for RestrictionBuilder. I wonder if anyone else has solved this task more cleanly using Blaze Persistence or similar tools. Any suggestions or insights would be greatly appreciated!


  • Since Blaze-Persistence does not support boolean functions as predicates yet, this is the best that you can do unfortunately. You could try to render (TO_TSVECTOR('simple',?) @@ TO_TSQUERY('simple',?")) and use a boolean literal =true on the other side of the condition if you like that better, but I don't know how the PostgreSQL query planner likes that.