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Trying to call a function in C# using a generic Execution Helper function returning an out value depending on the result of that function

public class ExecutionUtility
    public static TIn2 ExecutionHelper<TIn1, TIn2>(Func<TIn1, out TIn2, int> function, TIn1 input)
        TIn2 output = default(TIn2);
        int result = function(input, out output); // the out keyworkd is not accepted apparently

        if (result == 0)
            return output;
            throw new FunctionExecutionException(result);


Just some exeption code:

public class FunctionExecutionException : Exception
    public int ErrorCode { get; }

    public FunctionExecutionException(int errorCode)
    : base($"Function execution failed with error code: {errorCode}")
        ErrorCode = errorCode;

An example of a static function that returns a int resul and also a string output parameter

public static int myfunction(int input, out string output)
    if (input > 0)
        output = "OUTPUT_VALUE_1";
        return 0;
        output = "OUTPUT_VALUE_2";
        return -1;

Now using the Execution Helper function. For some reason the out parameter doesn't seem to be authorized and my code does not compile.

return ExecutionUtility.ExecutionHelper<int, string>(PRD_GCAPI.myfunction, this.Index);


  • You are able to define delegate types:

    public delegate int FuncHelper<TIn1, TIn2>(TIn1 a, out TIn2 b);
    public static TIn2 ExecutionHelper<TIn1, TIn2>(FuncHelper<TIn1, TIn2> function, TIn1 input)