I am trying to run a Nextflow process to run bowtie2-build
. Attached is my code for the process. Does anyone have any idea how to solve the error:
"ERROR ~ Unexpected error while finalizing task 'BOWTIE_INDEX (1)' - cause: Not a valid PublishDir entry [org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.GStringImpl]".
Note I've also included the relevant workflow and parameters.
process BOWTIE_INDEX {
publishDir params.ref_dir, mode = 'symlink'
conda 'bioconda::bowtie2'
path reference_fa
path 'GRCm38*'
bowtie2-build $reference_fa GRCm38
workflow {
index = BOWTIE_INDEX(reference_fa)
params {
ref_dir = "$projectDir/reference/bowtie_index"
I am trying to index the fasta file for the mouse genome using bowtie2. The indexing process runs fine, but Nextflow fails as it tries to link the files in the publishDir
. The files are generated correctly in the work directory.
This is just a syntax error. Instead, make sure to use a colon to specify the 'mode' option:
publishDir params.ref_dir, mode: 'symlink'
Which is just the same as:
path: params.ref_dir,
mode: 'symlink',
enabled: true,
Alternatively, directives can be specified in your nextflow.config. For example, using the withName
process selector:
params {
ref_dir = "${projectDir}/reference/bowtie_index"
process {
withName: 'BOWTIE_INDEX' {
publishDir = [
path: { "${params.ref_dir}/BOWTIE_INDEX" },
mode: 'copy',
enabled: true,