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JS function works only when hard refreshing page

I'm sure this has something to do with the timing of things loading, but I can't figure it out.

I'm using Oracle's Jet charting libraries and trying to convert the y-axis to a percent

When I run this code on page load, it works only when I hard refresh the page as opposed to just hitting f5. But my understanding is it's in a callback here and should only run once the resources are loaded.

When it doesn't work, it tells me oj.IntlNumberConverter is not a constructor.

require(["ojs/ojcore", "ojs/ojconverter", "ojs/ojchart", "ojs/ojpictochart"], function (oj) {
    $('.dyn-chart').each(function () {
        var chart = $(this);
        c  = new oj.IntlNumberConverter({ style : "percent" });
        chart.ojChart( "option", "yAxis.tickLabel.converter", c );

I've tried reducing the resources used, but all end up being necessary for it to function.

If I set a timeout of 100ms, it works fine, but seems like that shouldn't need to be done


  • The issue is likely because the oj.IntlNumberConverter is not fully loaded or available when your callback runs, even though it's within the require block. A clean solution is to ensure the correct module (ojs/ojconverter-number) is explicitly loaded alongside your other dependencies.

    ], function (oj) {
        $(document).ready(function () {
            $('.dyn-chart').each(function () {
                var chart = $(this);
                var c = new oj.IntlNumberConverter({ style: "percent" });
                chart.ojChart("option", "yAxis.tickLabel.converter", c);

    Add ojs/ojconverter-number: This ensures the oj.IntlNumberConverter module is explicitly loaded and ready when used. Use $(document).ready(): This ensures the DOM is fully loaded before your charts are initialized.

    Try this it might be work