In my Spring Boot 3 project with hibernate 6 I am trying to check the a name is not in use before updating (and saving) a entity.
I want to leave the method annotated with @Transactional and I want to be able to pass a message to the UI if the update/save fails.
There is a number of existing answers, but they all have issues. Here is what I have tried:
1. Catch DataIntegtrityException
This way throws a custom exception - the con is that it doesn't work with @Transactional
//@Transactional - doesn't catch exception with @Transactional
public CarCreateDto updateCar(CarCreateDto updateCarDto, Long id) {
Car Car = CarRepository.findById(id).orElseThrow(() -> new EntityNotFoundException("Car with " + id + " not found"));
try {
CarMapper.partialUpdate(updateCarDto, Car);;
return CarMapper.toDto(Car);
} catch (DataIntegrityViolationException e) {
throw new CarAlreadyExistsException("Car with name already exist");
2. Catch DataIntegtrityException with saveAndFlush
Same as above but uses saveAndFlush
and works with @Transactional. Can't find the reference but the con is that saveAndFlush is not good to use.
public CarCreateDto updateCar(CarCreateDto updateCarDto, Long id) {
Car Car = CarRepository.findById(id).orElseThrow(() -> new EntityNotFoundException("Car with " + id + " not found"));
try {
CarMapper.partialUpdate(updateCarDto, Car);;
return CarMapper.toDto(Car);
} catch (DataIntegrityViolationException e) {
throw new CarAlreadyExistsException("Car with name already exist");
3. Run a pre-save check on the database
The con here is a extra call to the database. Also potential for concurrency issues.
public CarCreateDto updateCar(CarCreateDto updateCarDto, Long id) {
Car Car = CarRepository.findById(id).orElseThrow(() -> new EntityNotFoundException("Car with " + id + " not found"));
boolean samename = updateCarDto.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(Car.getName());
if (samename || !samename && !CarRepository.existsByName(updateCarDto.getName())) {
CarMapper.partialUpdate(updateCarDto, Car);;
return CarMapper.toDto(Car);
} else {
throw new DatabaseUniqueConstraintException("Car with name " + updateCarDto.getName() + " already exists");
4. Put the catch on the controller
This just feels wrong - not a controller responsibility to catch DB exceptions.
@PutMapping(value = "/{id}", consumes = "application/json")
ResponseEntity<CarCreateDto> updateCarDto(@Valid @RequestBody CarCreateDto updateCar, @PathVariable Long id) {
try {
CarCreateDto Car = CarService.updateCar(updateCar, id);
return new ResponseEntity<>(Car, HttpStatus.OK);
} catch (DataIntegrityViolationException e) {
throw new CarAlreadyExistsException("Car with name already exist");
So what is the correct way to handle this exception for a uniqueness check?
tl;dr: Use option 2.
Let's take a look at the CrudRepository::save()
and JpaRepository::saveAndFlush()
implemented in SimpleJpaRepository
First, our goal is talking to the database and getting an immediate response (constraint violation or success) before going over the catch block.
Isolated on our goal saveAndFlush()
with @Transactional
has same behaviour as save()
without @Transactional
As long as you don't open a transaction the database is called directly when executing save()
. But if you start a transaction and use save()
the database is queried at a later stage (when you flush
or commit
). So the save()
-method doesn't return an exception.
This means that saveAndFlush()
is the right way to use here because it has the same effect like save()
without @Transactional
. If saveAndFlush()
would be "not good to use", it would also be save()
As you want to call the database directly I strongly recommend you to use saveAndFlush() here:
public CarCreateDto updateCar(CarCreateDto updateCarDto, Long id) {
Car Car = CarRepository.findById(id).orElseThrow(() -> new EntityNotFoundException("Car with " + id + " not found"));
try {
CarMapper.partialUpdate(updateCarDto, Car);
return CarMapper.toDto(Car);
} catch (DataIntegrityViolationException e) {
throw new CarAlreadyExistsException("Car with name already exist");