After insatlling rails through rvm, when i create new project
rails new project_name
creats project with name "new" not with "project_name", but folder contain all project files, after that i try to start server with command
rails server or rails s
instead of the starting server, create folder "server" or "s" with project files.
ruby 1.8.7 rails 2.3.14 I need this version of ruby and rails.
OS Ubuntu 11.10
What i must to do?
For rails versions before 3.0 the rails command is used only for creating a new application
rails APP_NAME
Then you use script/server to run the dev server
In newer versions of rails you use the rails command to do many things like create app, run server, etc...
If you are creating a new app you would be better off on ruby 1.9.2 and rails 3.1
If you need to run 2.3 - better invest in a good book that targets that version