So I have a model, let's call it Notes. On the notes, you can but several posts. So the notes model has the line:
has_many :posts
And the posts model has the line
belongs_to :note
Now, when a User destroys a post, I want for the note to be destroyed IF it not longer has any other posts.
I thought i would write this code into the post model with before_destroy:
def delete_note_if_last_post
if self.note.posts.count == 1
This doesn't work. It shuts down the server based on an "Illegal Instruction". Is there some way to accomplish what I am trying to do?
EDIT: changed the code, as I noticed an error, and now the problem is slightly different.
you can return false to prevent a model from destruction in before_destroy filter
before_destroy :has_no_post
then in has_no_post
def has_no_post
#You can prevent this from deletion by using these options
#Option1 return false on certain condition
return false if posts.any?
#or add an error to errors
errors << "Can not delete note if it has post" if posts.any?
#raise an exception
raise "Cant delete ..." if blah blah