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Spring Batch job runs fine only the first time. Doesn't work after that

I am triggering a batch job using an API. The first time I trigger using the API after each server restart works fine. Goes through all the break points and saves the data in the DB as intended.However, after that, the log says the job has been started and the step is being executed. But it doesn't hit any break points and the data is also not saved as expected.My code and config is as follows -

// Controller
public class MyController {
    JobLauncher jobLauncher;

    Job insertJob;
    public String startBatchJob(@RequestParam String validation) {
        try {
            String jobId = String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis());
            JobParameters jobParameters = new JobParametersBuilder()
                    .addString("jobId", jobId)
                    .addString("validation", validation)

            JobExecution jobExecution =, jobParameters);

            if (jobExecution.getStatus().isUnsuccessful() || jobExecution.getStatus() == BatchStatus.FAILED)
                return "Job FAILED with Job ID: " + jobId + ". Status: " + jobExecution.getStatus();

            // Get job status or other details
            return "Job finished successfully with Job ID: " + jobId + ". Status: " + jobExecution.getStatus();
        } catch (JobExecutionException e) {
            return "Error starting job: " + e.getMessage();

// Batch Config
public class SpringBatchConfig {

    ScheduledTasks scheduledTasks;

    ValidationRepository validationRepository;

    PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager;

    JobRepository jobRepository;

    public List<Personality> getData() {
        return scheduledTasks.callRestApiForData();

    @Bean(name = "insertJob")
    public Job insertJob(BaseWriter<Personality> writer,
                             BaseProcessor<Personality, Personality> processor,
                             BaseReader<Personality> reader) {
        return new JobBuilder("insertJob", jobRepository)
                .incrementer(new RunIdIncrementer())
                .listener(insertJobListener()).start(step_1(writer, processor, reader)).build();

    public Step step_1(BaseWriter<Personality> writer,
                       BaseProcessor<Personality, Personality> processor,
                       BaseReader<Personality> itemReader) {
        return new StepBuilder("step_1", jobRepository)
                .<Personality, Personality> chunk(200, transactionManager)

    public JobExecutionListener insertJobListener() {
        return new InsertJobCompletionListener();


// listener
public class InsertJobCompletionListener extends JobExecutionListenerSupport {

    public void afterJob(JobExecution jobExecution) {
        if (jobExecution.getStatus() == BatchStatus.COMPLETED) {
        else if(jobExecution.getStatus() == BatchStatus.FAILED){


// reader

public interface BaseReader<T> extends ItemReader<T> {

public class ExchangeRateBaseReader<T> implements BaseReader<Personality> {

    ScheduledTasks scheduledTasks;

    private boolean read = false;
    private List<Personality> data;
    private int index = 0;

    public Personality read() throws Exception {
        if (data == null) {
            data = getData();
        Personality item = null;
        if (index < data.size()) {
            item = data.get(index);
        return item;

    public List<Personality> getData() {
        return scheduledTasks.callRestApiForData();

// processor

public interface BaseProcessor<I,O> extends ItemProcessor<I, O> {

public class CurrencyExchangeProcessor<I,O> implements BaseProcessor<Personality, Personality> {
    public Personality process(Personality Personality) throws Exception {
        return Personality;

// writer
public interface BaseWriter<T> extends ItemWriter<T> {

public class CurrencyExchangeWriter<T> implements BaseWriter<Personality> {

    private ValidationRepository validationRepository;

    public void write(Chunk<? extends Personality> chunk) throws Exception {"Total number of items to save - {}",chunk.getItems().size());

Thanks for the help in advance.


  • Ok I fixed it. The problem was with the reader. Once the reader's job is done for the first time, the data is no longer null. So, it will not call for the api. Also, the index is not zero.

    So, making data null and index 0 in @AfterStep fixed it for me.