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Calculate user reputation for questions and answers that are not older than a year

I want to be able to compare the activity of StackOverflow users, but comparing two users with a year and ten years of experience by their reputation does not seem entirely indicative.

That's why I want to compare the reputation of users received only for questions and answers that are not older than 365 days.

Please help me compose a query that will return the user's reputation received for questions asked in the last 365 days and answers given in the last 365 days.


  • Many thanks to @rene for his ideas in the comments to the question.

    Here is the query that calculates the user's reputation for posts no older than 365 days.

    select posts.owneruserid [User Link]
         , sum( case votes.votetypeid
                when 1 then 15
                when 2 then 10
                when 3 then -2
                else 0
            ) [estimated rep.]
    from posts
    inner join votes on votes.postid =
    where posts.creationdate > dateadd(dd, -365, getdate())
    and posts.owneruserid = ##userId##
    group by posts.owneruserid