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Excel Evaluate Function Returns #REF When Using Indirect

I have a lookup which returns a formula as text, depending on the value of a particular cell.

The formula (as text) returned looks like this:


I then use the EVALUATE() function to evaluate the formula, but receive a #REF error because of the use of INDIRECT().

This Microsoft Support Page was the only reference that I could find to this particular problem, and it doesn't seem to offer an appropriate workaround.

How can I either: a) restructure the formula to avoid using INDIRECT, or b) get EVALUATE() to play nice?


The lookup table looks something like this:

Type A                    SUM(INDIRECT("AF"&row()),INDIRECT("AG"&row()))
Type B                    SUM(INDIRECT("AF"&row()),INDIRECT("AG"&row()), INDIRECT("AH"&Row()))

On another sheet, the contents of cells B1:200 are either Type A or Type B. A lookup returns the formula string based on the value of the cell and puts it into Bx. I then Evaluate the string to give me the result.


  • OK 3rd attempt at an answer:

    thanks for the example: it fails because you are trying to use INDIRECT to evaluate a named formula and INDIRECT only handles references not formulas.

    You need to use EVALUATE instead, but there is no built-in EVALUATE worksheet function (the EVALUATE you are using in the defined name is an ancient XLM Macro function).
    I suggest you use my EVAL VBA UDF instead

    Public Function EVAL(theInput As Variant) As Variant
    ' if UDF evaluate the input string as though it was on this sheet
    ' else evaluate for activesheet
    Dim vEval As Variant
    On Error GoTo funcfail
    If not IsEmpty(theInput) then
    If TypeOf Application.Caller.Parent Is Worksheet Then
    vEval = Application.Caller.Parent.Evaluate(Cstr(theInput))
    vEval = Application.Evaluate(cstr(theInput))
    End If
    If IsError(vEval) Then
    EVAL = CVErr(xlErrValue)
    EVAL = vEval
    End If
    End If
    Exit Function
    EVAL = CVErr(xlErrNA)
    End Function

    and then use defined names with relative references like typeA=SUM(Sheet3!RC1,Sheet3RC2).

    There are some "quirks" of EVALUATE that you should be aware of: see