I am programming the 8051 instruction set in VHDL in Xilinx. After writing the logic and generating the synthesis report, I saw that the Delay is 13.330ns (frequency of 75.020 MHz) with Levels of Logic = 10.
This value is pretty less (the frequency) and I need to beef it up but I am not able to understand what/where is the delay using the synthesis report.
This is the part of the report which talks about the timing:
Timing constraint: Default period analysis for Clock 'clk_div1'
Clock period: 13.330ns (frequency: 75.020MHz)
Total number of paths / destination ports: 156134 / 3086
Delay: 13.330ns (Levels of Logic = 10)
Source: SEQ/alu_op_code_1 (FF)
Destination: SEQ/alu_src_2L_7 (FF)
Source Clock: clk_div1 rising
Destination Clock: clk_div1 rising
Data Path: SEQ/alu_op_code_1 to SEQ/alu_src_2L_7
Gate Net
Cell:in->out fanout Delay Delay Logical Name (Net Name)
---------------------------------------- ------------
FDE:C->Q 40 0.591 1.345 SEQ/alu_op_code_1 (SEQ/alu_op_code_1)
LUT4:I1->O 2 0.643 0.527 ALU1/ci32_SW0 (N2251)
LUT4:I1->O 1 0.643 0.000 ALU1/adder_comp/C11_F (N1292)
MUXF5:I0->O 3 0.276 0.531 ALU1/adder_comp/C11 (ALU1/adder_comp/C1)
MUXF5:S->O 12 0.756 0.964 ALU1/adder_comp/C21 (ALU1/adder_comp/C2)
LUT4:I3->O 8 0.648 0.760 ALU1/ans_L<5>104 (ALU1/ans_L<5>104)
LUT4:I3->O 17 0.648 1.054 ALU1/ans_L<7>95_SW0 (N264)
LUT4:I3->O 1 0.648 0.000 SEQ/alu_src_2H_and000055_SW3_F (N1304)
MUXF5:I0->O 1 0.276 0.423 SEQ/alu_src_2H_and000055_SW3 (N599)
LUT4_D:I3->O 15 0.648 1.049 SEQ/alu_src_2L_mux0005<7>121228 (N285)
LUT4:I2->O 1 0.648 0.000 SEQ/alu_src_2H_mux0007<6> (SEQ/alu_src_2H_mux0007<6>)
FDE:D 0.252 SEQ/alu_src_2H_1
Total 13.330ns (6.677ns logic, 6.653ns route)
(50.1% logic, 49.9% route)
Can someone explain what is happening?
Look at the names in the report and compare to your source code.
Basically, you have just combinational logic flowing in the "SEQ" instance from the ALU op code to an ALU output signal "alu_src_2L":
Source: SEQ/alu_op_code_1 (FF) Destination: SEQ/alu_src_2L_7 (FF)
Looking at the details, you can see that in this particular path, most of the time is used in your ALU "ALU1", and specifically in the adder/comparison logic "adder_comp". If you want to have less delay in this path, you are going to have to either optimize the logic or cut the path with another register (and make the rest of the design still work with that change).