I have a form like this:
<form name="mine">
<input type=text name=one>
<input type=text name=two>
<input type=text name=three>
When user types a value in 'one', I sometimes want to skip the field 'two', depending on what he typed. For example, if user types '123' and uses Tab to move to next field, I want to skip it and go to field three.
I tried to use OnBlur
and OnEnter
, without success.
Try 1:
<form name="mine">
<input type=text name=one onBlur="if (document.mine.one.value='123') document.three.focus();>
<input type=text name=two>
<input type=text name=three>
Try 2:
<form name="mine">
<input type=text name=one>
<input type=text name=two onEnter="if (document.mine.one.value='123') document.three.focus();>
<input type=text name=three>
but none of these works. Looks like the browser doesn't allow you to mess with focus while the focus is changing.
BTW, all this tried with Firefox on Linux.
Try to attach tabindex attribute to your elements and then programmaticaly (in javaScript change it):
<INPUT tabindex="3" type="submit" name="mySubmit">