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GzipCompressorInputStream Input is not in the .gz format

I'm tha maintainer of and writing a new framework to add some more features.

I have hit a problem in Gzip test cases in TarGzCompressorTest are failing with Input is not in the .gz format, I've manually verified the gz files produces by the test case, they are valid and I can extract them by tar -xzvf test.tar.gz.

Any ideas/pointers?


  • I've the problem, I don't know what I was thinking but I had to much code

    InputStream input = new BufferedInputStream(sourceStream);
            try {
                input = new CompressorStreamFactory().createCompressorInputStream(input);
            } catch (CompressorException e) {
                Throwable cause = e.getCause();
                if (cause instanceof IOException ioException) throw ioException;
            archiveInputStream = this.buildArchiveInputStream(input);

    I was creating a CompressorInputStream and passing that into the ArchiveInputStream and causing the problem.

    Fix was to just to pass the source stream directly, as follows

    archiveInputStream = this.buildArchiveInputStream(sourceStream);