While working on excel worksheet, I need to print 2 different external PDF files in the same folder for my clients to sign.
Here are the files paths "D:\Templates to Print\Acknowledgment.pdf" and "D:\Templates to Print\Works Permit.pdf"
I have found this code while searching through internet but unfortunately not working
sub print_file()
Print_and_Close_PDF "D:\Templates to Print\Acknowledgment.pdf"
End sub`
As an alternative;
Sub Test()
Dim file1 As String, file2 As String
file1 = "D:\Templates to Print\Acknowledgment.pdf"
file2 = "D:\Templates to Print\Works Permit.pdf"
CreateObject("Shell.Application").Namespace(0).ParseName(file1).InvokeVerb ("Print")
CreateObject("Shell.Application").Namespace(0).ParseName(file2).InvokeVerb ("Print")
End Sub