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Don't understand async await execution order

async function funcTwo() {
  return new Promise((r) => r());

async function funcOne() {

  (async () => {
    await funcTwo();

await funcOne();


According to my knowledge the output should be as follows:


My reasoning is:

1.funcOne runs

2.A is printed

3.async function runs and promise is resolved immediately thus console.log("B") is moved to the mircotask queue

4.C is printed

5.funcOne is resolved and console.log("Done"); is moved to the mircotask queue.

6.Tasks are fetched from the queue and B and Done are printed in that order. (console.log("B") is added to the queue before console.log("done"))

However the output is:


B and Done are switched

Can someone explain what I got wrong?


  • If you have an async function that executes a return with a promise object, then the promise that the function returns will be pending, never settled. The promise returned by the async function will be locked-in to the promise given to the return statement.

    Let's give the involved promises some names. This is essentially the same script, but with variable names for all relevant promises:

    async function f2() {
        const p0 = Promise.resolve();
        return p0;
    async function f1() {
        async function f3() {
            const p2 = f2();
            await p2;
        const p3 = f3();
    const p1 = f1();
    const p4 = await p1;

    Even though p0 is a fulfilled promise, p2 is not. p2 is locked-in to p0, and internally a then is attached to p0 to listen for its fulfillment, so that p2 can follow that same state transition, and be fulfilled too. But such (hidden) then callback needs a promise job to be put in the queue (microtask queue). As a consequence, p0 will not fulfill synchronously, but later.

    On the other hand, funcOne returns a fulfilled promise, as there is no await it executes itself. Note that the await in the nested anonymous function only pauses that anonymous function, not funcOne. The latter will continue to log "B" without considering the state of any promise, and so it returns undefined as the value of a fulfilled promise.

    If you make your reasoning with this principle, you'll see the output you get is the one that is expected.

    Here is a simplified view on the sequence of operations. It depicts the callstack at the left, the current action being performed, the state of all relevant promises (F=Fulfilled, P=pending), and the jobs that are in the promise job queue (microtask queue):

    Call stack Action p0 p1 p2 p3 Promise job queue
    Script f1()
    Script>f1 log('A')
    Script>f1 f3()
    Script>f1>f3 f2()
    Script>f1>f3>f2 r()
    Script>f1>f3>f2 p0 = resolve(...) F
    Script>f1>f3>f2 return p0 F
    Script>f1>f3 p2 = ... F P! fulfill(p2)
    Script>f1>f3 await p2 F P fulfill(p2)
    Script>f1 p3 = ... F P P fulfill(p2)
    Script>f1 log('C') F P P fulfill(p2)
    Script>f1 return F P P fulfill(p2)
    Script p1 = ... F F P P fulfill(p2)
    Script await p1 F F P P fulfill(p2) resume script
    Check queues F F P P fulfill(p2) resume script
    fullfill(p2) fullfill(p2) F F F P resume script resume f3
    Check queues F F F P resume script resume f3
    Script-resumed log('D') F F F P resume f3
    Check queues F F F P resume f3
    f3-resumed log('B') F F F P
    f3-resumed return F F F F