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SUMPRODUCT formula confusing performance in conditional conditional formatting

I use this sumproduct formula to check value between 2 sheets (sheet1 and Stopwork sheet) and to change the row color if result TRUE

=SUMPRODUCT(('Stop Work'!$D$8:$D$500=$C10)*('Stop Work'!$K$8:$K$500="Open")*('Stop Work'!$C$8:$C$500=$B$2)*($T$8:$T$500=$B$3))

my probelm is only in the last condition in the formula *($T$8:$T$500=$B$3)) to check if value in "T" in sheet1 ="B3" in the same sheet which is already BLANK - but what happen is when I put any data in "T" to make it not BLANK the condition doesn't apply while when I change cell "B3" to be not BLANK the condition works as you can see in the screenshot enter image description here

can you tell me please what can i do

copy from the file to test


  • It seems to me the last condition should be ($T10=$B$3).

    I can suggest you to divide the formula by its parts and put onto the worksheet to allow debug possibility:

    enter image description here

    enter image description here