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Nuxt 3 Supabase - 500 auth Session missing

I am trying to integrate Supabase Github OAuth with Nuxt 3 but I am having an error "500 auth session missing" and it's very slow!

enter image description here

The server middleware causing the Error: (user.ts)

import { serverSupabaseUser } from "#supabase/server";
export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => {
  event.context.user = await serverSupabaseUser(event);

I am passing the cookies from the client to server.

You can check the Code here: Or (just reload the page if you get 404)

You just need to add SUPABASE_URL and SUPABASE_KEY to .env



  • The problem is that Nuxt executes the files under "/server/middleware" on every request for all the routes also for "/" where in our case the user is not logged yet.

    Here are two other potential workarounds:

    1- Set a list for the protected routes (that should include the user)

    import { serverSupabaseUser } from '#supabase/server';
    const protectedRoutes = [
    export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => {
      const url = event.node.req.url
      if(protectedRoutes.some(route => url?.includes(route)) ) {
        console.log("Auth needed: ", event.node.req.url)
        try {
          const user = await serverSupabaseUser(event);
          if (user) {
            event.context.user = user;
        } catch (error) {
' #####  Auth error #####');
        console.log("No Auth needed: ", event.node.req.url)
    2- Just make it non blocking by catching the error
    import { serverSupabaseUser, serverSupabaseClient } from "#supabase/server";
    export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => {
      try {
      const user = await serverSupabaseUser(event);
      event.context.user = user;
      } catch (error) {
      console.error("Auth error: ", error);

    2- Just make it non blocking by catching the error

    import { serverSupabaseUser, serverSupabaseClient } from "#supabase/server";
    export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => {
      try {
      const user = await serverSupabaseUser(event);
      event.context.user = user;
      } catch (error) {
      console.error("Auth error: ", error);