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Modifying InnerXml of a text XmlNode

I traverse an html document with SGML and XmlDocument. When I find an XmlNode which its type is Text, I need to change its value that has an xml element. I can't change InnerXml because it's readonly. I tried to change InnerText, but this time tag descriptor chars < and > encoded to &lt; and &gt;. for example:

    This is a text that will be highlighted.
    <anothertag />

I'm trying to change to:

    This is a text that will be <span class="highlighted">highlighted</span>.
    <anothertag />

What is the easiest way to modify the value of a text XmlNode?


  • I have a workaround, I don't know it is a real solution or what, but it can result what I want. Please comment for this code if it is worthy solution or not

        private void traverse(ref XmlNode node)
            XmlNode prevOldElement = null;
            XmlNode prevNewElement = null;
            var element = node.FirstChild;
                if (prevNewElement != null && prevOldElement != null)
                    prevOldElement.ParentNode.ReplaceChild(prevNewElement, prevOldElement);
                    prevNewElement = null;
                    prevOldElement = null;
                if (element.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Text)
                    var el = doc.CreateElement("text");
                    //Here is manuplation of the InnerXml.
                    el.InnerXml = element.Value.Replace(a_search_term, "<b>" + a_search_term + "</b>");
                    //I don't replace element right now, because element.NextSibling will be null.
                    //So I replace the new element after getting the next sibling.
                    prevNewElement = el;
                    prevOldElement = element;
                else if (element.HasChildNodes)
                    traverse(ref element);
            while ((element = element.NextSibling) != null);
            if (prevNewElement != null && prevOldElement != null)
                prevOldElement.ParentNode.ReplaceChild(prevNewElement, prevOldElement);

    Also, I remove <text> and </text> strings after the traverse function:

            doc = new XmlDocument();
            doc.PreserveWhitespace = true;
            doc.XmlResolver = null;
            var html = doc.FirstChild;
            traverse(ref html);
            textBox1.Text = doc.OuterXml.Replace("<text>", String.Empty).Replace("</text>", String.Empty);