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Why am I not getting refresh token from google token endpoint?

I have created credentials on google developer console:

  • one API key (added blogspot API to the key)
  • one oauth client (consent screen configured)

The oauth client is in test mode (not verified yet), but added some test emails.

I could successfully retrieve an access token with authorization code grant flow, using an authorization url that looks like this (client id, redirect_uri changed):

Most importantly:

The token response looks like this:

  "access_token": "***",
  "expires_in": 3108,
  "scope": " openid",
  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "id_token": "***"

Why am I not getting a refresh token from the token endpoint? Even though access_type=offline was specified. I think refresh_token is only provided for the first login, so I I tried to login from incognito mode, but it did not help.

Is it because the oauth client is in test mode? I tried to find information about restrictions of test mode oauth clients, and could not find anything about refresh tokens.


  • I believe you'll need


    like in this answer

    As OP commented

    In golang goth library, this corresponds to: oauth2.AuthCodeURL(state, oauth2.AccessTypeOffline, oauth2.ApprovalForce). The name oauth2.ApprovalForce is a bit misleading, it actually adds prompt=consent.