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Edit links to a new month's file

I have a checks file that brings in data from several other files to perform various checks. Every month, I copy last month's check file, copy it into a new folder, and edit links to the new month.

  • Each month's check file will be in the same folder as that month's other files.
  • The new month's check file will be in a different folder from last month's.
  • The other files will have a name along the lines of "This Report v1.21 - NYC", "This Report v1.21 - Boston", etc.
  • The following month, the naming will be the same, except it will be v1.22 or something.
  • So, each month's folder will have three types of files: the main file, the city files created from the main file, and the checking file. Each month, I copy the main file and the checking file from the previous month's folder and paste them into this month's folder. I then run vba in the main file to create the city files for the month. I then want to open the checking file and update the links from last month's city files to this month's city files. All current month's files will be open and no prior month's files will be open. The links to be updated are in-cell formulas. The type that are edited by navigating to Data > Edit Links

Could I find last month's links by using "*NYC*" and replace with this month's NYC file? Or something along those lines?

There are 10ish links in the file and none will have a duplicate city name, but they all have the same name up to their city suffix.

In short, I think what I would like to do is replace the "*... - NY" link with something like ThisWorkbook.Path & "* - NY"


  • Thank you for the responses. I took a different approach that worked for me. I used a formula in the checking file to get the old file paths which allowed me to do the following:

    Dim OldNYCLink As String
    Dim NewNYCLink As String
    OldNYCLink = Range("E51")
    NewNYCLink = Left(ThisWorkbook.FullName, Len(ThisWorkbook.FullName) - 5) & " - NYC.xlsm"
    Dim OldBostonLink As String
    Dim NewBostonLink As String
    OldBostonLink = Range("F51")
    NewBostonLink = Left(ThisWorkbook.FullName, Len(ThisWorkbook.FullName) - 5) & " - Boston.xlsm"