In Sheet 1, I have a flat-file format of data, including dates.
In Sheet 2, in Cell A1, I have a date of 01/01/2019 and in cell A2 a date of 31/12/2019.
In VBA I need to be able to pick out the unique dates from Sheet 1 which are within the date criteria specified in A1/A2 in Sheet 2 and put them into Sheet 3, incrementing one row for each unique date.
Sheet 1 data structure is like follows:
1 02/01/2019 Chromium
2 02/02/2019 Chromium
3 02/06/2019 Chromium
4 02/09/2019 Chromium
5 03/03/2020 Chromium
6 05/06/2020 Chromium
7 02/01/2019 Cadmium
8 10/10/2019 Cadmium
9 20/11/2019 Cadmium
In the example dataset above, there are nine rows with dates in and eight unique dates overall, but only six of them fall within the date criteria specified above.
I'll be incorporating this into another loop within the wider VBA code.
I'm wondering if I need to use a dictionary?
Short, easy and fast solution is
Option Explicit
Sub GetUniqueDatesBetween()
Dim a, b, al&, i&, j&, lb&, ub&, pv&
a = Application.Sort(Sheet1.[A1].CurrentRegion.Columns(1).Value2)
lb = Sheet2.[A1].Value2: ub = Sheet2.[A2].Value2
j = 0: al = UBound(a, 1): ReDim b(al, 0)
For i = 1 To al
If a(i, 1) >= lb Then Exit For
pv = a(i, 1) - 1
For i = i To al
If a(i, 1) > ub Then Exit For
If a(i, 1) > pv Then
b(j, 0) = a(i, 1)
pv = a(i, 1)
j = j + 1
End If
Sheet3.[A1].Resize(j, 1) = b
End Sub
If you need to incorporate "this into another loop within the wider VBA code", you can use the next function:
Public Type ArrL
Length As Long
Values As Variant
End Type
Function LoopThroughOmitDuplicates(rng As Range, lb&, ub&) As ArrL
Dim a, b, al&, i&, j&, pv&, ob&
a = rng.Value2: al = UBound(a, 1): ob = al + 1
b = Application.SortBy(Application.Sequence(al), a)
For i = 1 To al
If a(b(i, 1), 1) >= lb Then Exit For
b(i, 1) = ob
j = 0: pv = a(b(i, 1), 1) - 1
For i = i To al
If a(b(i, 1), 1) > ub Then Exit For
If a(b(i, 1), 1) > pv Then
pv = a(b(i, 1), 1): j = j + 1
b(i, 1) = ob
End If
For i = i To al: b(i, 1) = ob: Next
With LoopThroughOmitDuplicates
.Length = j: .Values = Application.Sort(b)
End With
End Function
The test call:
Sub test()
Dim res As ArrL
res = LoopThroughOmitDuplicates(Sheet1.[A1].CurrentRegion.Columns(1), Sheet2.[A1].Value2, Sheet2.[A2].Value2)
Sheet3.[A1].Resize(res.Length, 1) = res.Values
End Sub
This function produces the array with indexes of unique dates while other entries are replaced by the over bound index. The j
variable gives the number of unique entries. You can loop through this array till j
This is very efficient algorithm which is faster than usage of a dictionary in most cases.
I conducted three tests on 150000 data table. Execution times (in seconds) are provided in last two columns:
Formula | Data sample | ll | ul | Lower bound | Upper bound | Unique values | With sort | With dictionary |
(1) | 03.03.2020 | 26.01.1900 | 07.12.2150 | 01.01.2000 | 31.12.2050 | 14898 | 0,1 | 0,71 |
(1) | 02.06.2019 | 26.01.1919 | 07.12.2120 | 01.01.2019 | 31.12.2020 | 580 | 0,09 | 0,04 |
(2) | HAUI26299 | 01.01.2018 | 31.12.2022 | C | W | 115354 | 0,28 | 40,51 |