I'm on java 8, spring-boot 1.5.1 release and I've got the dependency
My controller requests all extend a common super class with some fields in it. Now I want to omit these fields in the documentation. So that only the fields of the base class are shown... How can I do that?
I've tried Schema(all = {})
on top of my base request class.
I've tried creating a Bean
but it requires springdoc-openapi-starter-webmvc-ui
and java 17.
I've tried adding this in the yml springdoc.packages-to-exclude=packageWithOnlyTheSuperRequestClass
nothing works
public class FakeController{
@RequestMapping(value = {"/fake-method"}, method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String fakeMethod(BaseClassRequest request){
return "Hello, world!";
public class BaseClassRequest extends SuperClassRequest{
private String username;
// getter and setter
public class SuperClassRequest{
private String password;
// getter and setter
Try using @Schema(hidden = true) in the class and check