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How to join type and mpl::vector into a new vector

I use the following construct to create a mpl vector of types.

struct Struct1{
    typedef int type;
struct Struct2{
    typedef float type;
template<typename T> struct TypeReader{
    typedef typename T::type type;

int main()
    typedef bm::vector<Struct1,Struct2> MPLVector;
    typedef bm::transform<MPLVector, TypeReader<bm::_1>>::type TypeList;
    static_assert(bm::equal<TypeList, bm::vector<int,float> >::value, "Is not same");

So far this works as expected. Now what I would like to do is the following

struct Struct3{
    typedef bm::vector<char,double> type;
typedef bm::vector<Struct1,Struct2,Struct3> MPLVector;
typedef bm::transform<MPLVector, TypeReader<bm::_1>>::type TypeList;
static_assert(bm::equal<TypeList, bm::vector<int,float,char,double> >::value, "Is not same");

This does not work. So how do I need to change my MetaFunction struct that it will work with both, just a typedef and a mpl::vector?
Or if this is not possible would it be possible to do this if I change all type typedefs to mpl vectors?


  • I don't think this is possible with mpl::transform, since it would need to generate several elements in the resulting sequence from a single one in the source sequence. However, this can be done with mpl::fold, along with specialization with mpl::is_sequence:

    // Default case
    template < typename Seq, typename TWrapper, typename Enable = void >
    struct Flatten_imp
        : mpl::push_back< Seq, typename TWrapper::type >
    // Sequence case
    template < typename Seq, typename TWrapper >
    struct Flatten_imp< 
        TWrapper, typename
            mpl::is_sequence< typename 
        typedef mpl::joint_view< 
            Seq, typename 
        > type;
    template < typename Seq >
    struct Flatten
        : mpl::fold< Seq, mpl::vector<>, Flatten_imp< mpl::_, mpl::_ > >
    int main()
        typedef mpl::vector< Struct1, Struct2, Struct3 > MPLVector;
        typedef Flatten< MPLVector >::type TypeList;
                mpl::vector< int, float, char, double > 
            >::value, "Is not same");

    If you want the flattening to be recursive, you can call Flatten in Flatten_impl to flatten the sequence before appending it; however, be careful that this recursion will only work if your sequences contain wrappers and not direct types, e.g.

    struct Struct3
        typedef mpl::vector< mpl::identity< char >, mpl::identity< double > > type;