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Generalizing a gaussian mix to take any number of arguments with numpy.vectorize causes performance issues

I am optimizing a gaussian mix using maximum likelyhood estimation. Originally I used the following model:

def normal(x, mu, sigma):
    Gaussian (normal) probability density function.
        x (np.ndarray): Data points.
        mu (float): Mean of the distribution.
        sigma (float): Standard deviation of the distribution.
        np.ndarray: Probability density values.
    return (1 / (np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * sigma)) * np.exp(-0.5 * ((x - mu) / sigma) ** 2)

def model(x, a, mu1, s1, mu2, s2):
    return a*normal(x, mu1, s1) + (1-a)*normal(x, mu2, s2)

This works great and finds a good fit in under a second. I now wanted to dynamically generate such a function for any number of peaks.

def generate_gaussian_mix(n):
    def gaussian_mix(x, *params):
        if len(params) != 3 * n - 1:
            raise ValueError(f"Expected {3 * n - 1} parameters, but got {len(params)}.")

        params = np.asarray(params)
        mu = params[0::3]  # Means
        sigma = params[1::3]  # Standard deviations
        a = params[2::3]  # Weights
        a = np.hstack((a, 1 - np.sum(a)))

        return np.sum((a / (np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * sigma))*np.exp(-0.5 * ((x - mu) / sigma) ** 2))

    return np.vectorize(gaussian_mix)

This model takes over three minutes to compute on my laptop with the same number of peaks and events. What are optimization steps I could take to reduce the magnitude of this second function? Is there a good way to avoid vectorization? Do you have any ideas to avoid the repeated slicing?

for completeness, this is the optimization function:

def neg_log_event_likelyhood(model, event, theta):
    x = -np.log(model(event, *theta))
    return x

def fit_distribution_anneal(model, events, bounds, data_range = None, **kwargs):
    def total_log_likelyhood(theta, model, events):
        return np.sum(neg_log_event_likelyhood(model, events, theta))

    if data_range is not None:
        events = np.copy(events)
        events = events[np.logical_and(events > data_range[0], events < data_range[1])]
    result = dual_annealing(total_log_likelyhood, bounds, args=(model, events), **kwargs)
    params = result.x

    return params

The annealing is required as opposed to minimize due to the non convex nature of the problem.


  • As suspected the primary problem was np.vectorize. By using np.transpose I can abuse the matrix multiplication to calculate the normal distribution element wise and sum appropriate axis of the array. The following is the optimized code:

    def generate_gaussian_mix(n):
        Dynamically generates a function for the superposition of `n` Gaussian functions.
            n (int): Number of Gaussian functions to include in the superposition.
            function: A callable function `f(x, params)` where `params` is a flat array of weights, means, 
                      and standard deviations for each Gaussian component, of size 3*n.
        def gaussian_mix(x, *params):
            if len(params) != 3 * n - 1:
                raise ValueError(f"Expected {3 * n - 1} parameters, but got {len(params)}.")
            params = np.asarray(params)
            mu = params[0::3]  # Means
            sigma = params[1::3]  # Standard deviations
            a = params[2::3]  # Weights
            return  np.sum(normal(np.transpose([x]), mu[:-1], sigma[:-1], a), axis = 1) + normal(np.transpose([x]), mu[-1], sigma[-1], 1-np.sum(a))[:,0]
        return gaussian_mix