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Angular Unit Test - How to SpyOn a mock for angularfire delete()

I'm trying to test a simple delete function on a service.

  deleteCharacter(id: string) {
    const characterCollectionRef = this.afs.collection<character>('users/' + this.authService.liveUid + '/Characters/');
    return characterCollectionRef.doc(id).delete()

If I run the following test with the actual spy and expectation commented out, the test finishes without error leading me to believe that my mock is working correctly.

If I uncomment the spy and expect lines however, i get an error that characterCollectionRef.doc is not a function. I've tried several different variations, but they all have some sort of issue. I'm obviously missing something here on the best way to write a spy and an assertion for this.

  it('deleteCharacter works', () => {

      doc: function () {
        return { delete: function () {
          return Promise.resolve()
         } }

     // const spy = spyOn(AngularFirestoreMock.collection.doc, 'delete')


    // expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled()



  • We can declare the function to test delete and the containing object as a separate property, then we can easily test this newly created property.

    it('deleteCharacter works', () => {
      const deleteObj = {
        delete: function () {
          return Promise.resolve();
        doc: function () {
          return deleteObj;
      const spy = spyOn(deleteObj, 'delete');