I am using shell script to update JSON. Previously I used jq command to read/write an JSON object. However it seems not every bash environment support jq command. I tried to resolve this issue by manipulating the string using awk, sed and gsup.
However the syntax is so complicated as below:
update_json_key() {
local key="$1"
local value="$2"
local filename="$3"
if [[ ! -f "$filename" ]]; then
echo "{}" > "$filename"
if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then
SED_INPLACE="-i ''" # macOS requires an empty extension for in-place editing
SED_INPLACE="-i" # Linux
# Ensure the file exists and is a valid JSON object
if [ ! -s "$filename" ] || ! grep -q "{" "$filename"; then
echo "{}" > "$filename"
# Check if the key exists
if grep -q "\"$key\": " "$filename"; then
# Key exists, update it
# This regex ensures we don't capture more than we need by being specific with our patterns
sed $SED_INPLACE "s/\"$key\": \"[^\"]*\"/\"$key\": \"$value\"/" "$filename"
# Key does not exist, add it
if grep -q "^{}$" "$filename"; then
# File has only empty JSON, directly add key without comma
sed $SED_INPLACE "s/{}/{\"$key\": \"$value\"}/" "$filename"
# File is non-empty, append key before the last closing brace
# This ensures that we correctly find the last closing brace even when it's not at the very end
sed $SED_INPLACE "s/\(.*\)}$/\1, \"$key\": \"$value\"}/" "$filename"
if [ -e "$filename''" ]; then
rm -f "$filename''"
if [[ -e "$filename" ]] && [[ $(wc -l < "$filename") -gt 1 ]]; then
raw_json=$(sed -e ':a' -e 'N' -e '$!ba' -e 's/\n//g' -e 's/": \?"/": "/g' -e 's/, \?"/,"/g' "$filename")
rm -f $filename
echo "$raw_json" > "$filename"
formatted_json=$(awk 'BEGIN {
print "{"
gsub(/[{}]/, "");
n = split($0, a, ",");
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
gsub(/^[[:space:]]+|[[:space:]]+$/, "", a[i]);
print " " a[i] (i < n ? "," : "");
print "}"
}' "$filename")
rm -f $filename
echo "$formatted_json" > "$filename"
And this syntax not yet handled any nested JSON object iteration yet. I m thinking if there is an easier way to manipulate JSON object with shell script without using jq.
seems not every bash environment support jq command
Firstly determine how common this circumstances are, then how much users can install jq
and how much users MUST NOT install jq
. If latter case is rare consider using jq
AND informing that your script requires jq
in order to work.
tried to resolve this issue by manipulating the string using awk, sed and gsup.
I do not know last tool named, awk
and sed
do not support working with JSON. There exists gawkextlib
variant of GNU AWK
which does support working with JSON and XML, but you need to collect dependencies and built it, requirement of doing so would add burden to users of your script.
easier way to manipulate JSON object with shell script without using jq
You might consider using json
from python
's standard library, as python
(and its' standard library) are often installed at linux machines, caveat: you should first poll representative sample of your users to determine if they have jq
or python
or both operational.
Simple example assuming top-most structure in your JSON file is always Object. Create upsert.py
with following content
import argparse
import json
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='UPDATE or INSERT key-value into JSON document')
args = parser.parse_args()
with open(args.filename, 'r') as f:
data = json.load(f)
data[args.key] = args.value
with open(args.filename, 'w') as f:
json.dump(data, f)
and let file.json
content be
python upsert.py 'D' 'Dog' file.json
will alter file.json content to
{"A": "Able", "B": "Baker", "C": "Charlie", "D": "Dog"}
Observe that beyond new entry for D
spaces were added after :
and ,
which is default behavior. If you wish to apply different formatting consult json.dumps
(tested in Python 2.7.18 and Python 3.10.12)