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In file uploading via h:inputFile,How to solve/troubleshoot ,null being of part variable inside upload method?

In browser developer tools, I checked xhr tab in networking, the request sent as supposed.

while debugging: upload mehtod is invoked but uploadedFile is null

project has working files uploading via p:fileUpload, so I think filters troubles are passed.

here are:


import javax.servlet.http.Part;

import com.d2m.view.bean.LetterWFBean;

public class AudioFileUpload {
    private Part uploadedFile ;//+setter/getter
     private LetterBean letterBean;
    public void upload() throws IOException{
        byte[] blob = uploadedFile.getInputStream().readAllBytes();


<h:form id="hiddenAudioUploadForm" enctype="multipart/form-data" styleClass="ui-helper-hidden">
           <h:inputFile id="audioFile" value="#{audioFileUpload.uploadedFile}" />
           <p:remoteCommand name="hiddenAudioUploadCommand" action="#{audioFileUpload.upload}" process="@form" update="@none" />                                      
    <p:button id="uploadAudio_CL" onclick="uploadAudioFile();return false;" icon="fa fa-check" />


function addAudioFileToUploadFiles(){
    const dataTransfer = new DataTransfer(); 
    dataTransfer.items.add(new File([ base64AudioBlob ], "a.ogg", { type: "audio/webm" }));
    document.getElementById("hiddenAudioUploadForm:audioFile").files = dataTransfer.files;
async function uploadAudioFile(){

Thanks-at least for reading!


  • troubleshooting stuff:

    • adding breakpoints in bean, exactly in action of remoteCommand.

    • observe network tab of developer tool in ur browser.

    for me:
    Cumulative approach helped:
    try with simplest 'should work' approach, and cumulate!

    • add breakpoint in 'remoteCommand' action
    • upload as normal (add file via choose button),
    • in debugging: the Part object is null.

    • by observing network tab no activities done after selecting a file

      in web.xml there was filter and filter-mapping preventing h:inputFile from real uploading:
          <filter-name>PrimeFaces FileUpload Filter</filter-name>
          <filter-name>PrimeFaces FileUpload Filter</filter-name>
          <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>

    by commenting them, live comebacks to h:inputFile and every thing done as expected of code in question!