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Quasar infinite scrolls keep fetching datas

I'm trying to implement the infinite scroll using quasar. Here's my code:

  <q-page padding>
    <!-- Some tag about panels -->
      <q-tab-panel name="...">
            v-for="(data, index) in datas"
          <template v-slot:loading>
            <div class="row justify-center q-my-md">
              <q-spinner-dots color="primary" size="40px" />
  <q-page padding>
<script setup>
// import ...
const datas = ref([
  // ...

async function fetchMoreData() {
  const newDatas = await fetch();
  datas.value = [

What I expected was that the fetchMoreData function would only be called when I scrolled down the list of data. However, contrary to what I expected, the fetchMoreData function was called every 2 seconds and only stopped when it loaded all the data in the database. If you guys see the problem I'm having or need more information, please reply to me soon.


  • For offset to work correctly, it is necessary to wrap it in a div and set the height and overflow: auto for that div

    <div ref="scrollTargetRef" style="height: 400px; overflow: auto;">
                v-for="(data, index) in datas"
              <template v-slot:loading>
                <div class="row justify-center q-my-md">
                  <q-spinner-dots color="primary" size="40px" />

    Try something like this.