I'm trying to get the min and max date for a set of SQL rows from my database. When I run this transaction in Exposed in debug mode I see the correct dates are fetched from the database but when I try to access them with: row[MetricValues.date.min()] it is showing up typed as Nothing and throwing an error when I try and use it.
object MetricValues : Table("metric_values") {
val id = integer("id").autoIncrement()
val metricDefinitionId = reference(
onDelete = ReferenceOption.CASCADE,
onUpdate = ReferenceOption.CASCADE
val adId = reference(
onDelete = ReferenceOption.CASCADE,
onUpdate = ReferenceOption.CASCADE
val date = datetime("date")
val value = double("value")
override val primaryKey = PrimaryKey(id)
val result = newSuspendedTransaction(Dispatchers.IO, client) {
.select(MetricValues.adId, MetricValues.date.min(), MetricValues.date.max())
.where {
MetricValues.adId inList (adIds.map { UUID.fromString(it) })
.associate { row ->
MetricValues.adId.toString() to getDifferenceInDays(
I've tried using the Max and Min functions as well which didn't work. I also tried just ignoring the type error with (!!) which has worked in the past when I have the same issue with the sum() function but did not work here.
Just extract the expression into a variable and use it when access row
val minDate = MetricValues.date.min()
val maxDate = MetricValues.date.max()
.select(MetricValues.adId, minDate , maxDate)
.where {
MetricValues.adId inList (adIds.map { UUID.fromString(it) })
.associate { row ->
MetricValues.adId.toString() to getDifferenceInDays(