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How to click an aria button with Puppeteer?

I want to click the Facebook's Photo/video button when creating a post. The element is:

<div aria-label="Photo/video" aria-pressed="false" class="..." role="button" tabindex="0">
  <div><div><div class="..."><div class="..."><div class="...">
    <img class="..." alt="" src="" style="height: 24px; width: 24px;">
  </div><div class="..." role="none" data-visualcompletion="ignore" style="inset: 0px;"></div></div></div></div><div><div></div></div></div></div>

According to Page interactions | Puppeteer, I think the correct code is:

await page.locator('::-p-aria([name="Photo/video"][role="button"])').click();

But it doesn't click. Changing name to label doesn't help. Do you know how to make it work?


  • Psuedoselectors do not currently work. Use an * or whatever element tag.

    await page.locator('*[aria-label="Photo/video"][role="button"]')