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Split too large VBA into multiple Subs

How do you split a VBA code that is too long? Below I show a snippet of the code. It takes up a lot of space because it has to repeat what is below, which is Dock III, for the other docks and now I wanted to add a bedding, but then the procedure became too long. But I have tried putting the bedding in as another Sub, but it dosen't excecute the VBA in external Sub. Think it might be somting about the counter.

There may be some Danish in the code/notes 😁 Anyone that can help me in right direction?

Sub Booking()

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False

    Call Lav_Kalender_Ny 'Get the macro that creates the calendar

    Dim ws3 As Worksheet, ws1 As Worksheet, ws2 As Worksheet, ws4 As Worksheet
    Dim PeriodeStart As Date, PeriodeSlut As Date, AnkomstVaerft As Date, AfgangVaerft As Date, AnkomstDok As Date, AbgangDok As Date
    Dim ProjectCount As Integer, Counter As Integer, Periode As Integer, PeriodeSkip As Integer, StartAnkomst As Integer, PeriodeDokSlut As Integer, RowCount As Long, PeriodeDok As Integer, ColumnCount As Integer, LineCount As Integer
    Dim Doc As String, WeekDay As String, laydaysDok3 As Integer, CounterStatistikDok As Integer

    Dim VDate As Boolean
    Set ws1 = Sheets("Indtastningsark")
    Set ws3 = Sheets("Vis_Oversigt")
    Set ws2 = Sheets("Statistik")
    Set ws4 = Sheets("MIS")

    VDate = IsDate(Range("C4"))

    If VDate = False Then
        Exit Sub
    End If

    VDate = IsDate(Range("E4"))

    If VDate = False Then
        Exit Sub
    End If

    If ws3.Cells(4, 6) > 400 Then
        Exit Sub
    End If

    If ws3.Cells(4, 6) < 0 Then
        Exit Sub
    End If

    ActiveSheet.Unprotect Password:="5980"

    PeriodStart = ws3.Cells(4, 3).Value 'PeriodeStart is the start date for the calendar (entered on Vis_Oversigt)
    PeriodEnd = ws3.Cells(4, 5).Value 'PeriodeEnd is the end date for the calendar (entered on Vis_Oversigt)
    Period = ws3.Cells(4, 6) 'The period is the number of days that the calendar runs

    Counter = 7 ' Counter is set to 7, as the projects must be entered starting from row 7 on Vis_Oversigt
    ProjectCount = ws1.Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row 'Finds the number of entered projects on the sheet Input sheet
    RowCount = ws3.Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row 'Finds the number of entered rows on the sheet Vis_Oversigt

    ws3.Range(Cells(6, 1), Cells(RowCount, 9)).UnMerge
    ws3.Range(Cells(6, 1), Cells(RowCount, 9)).Clear 'Deletes retrieved projects on the sheet Vis_Oversigt
    ws3.Range(Cells(3, 1), Cells(RowCount + 6, 1)).RowHeight = 18

    ws3.Columns("A:A").NumberFormat = "@"

    Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(5, 500)).Clear
    laydaysDok3 = 0

    from Sheet Input sheet. Sorted by DOK/KAJ
    For j = 3 To ProjectCount
        AnkomstVaerft = ws1.Cells(j, 5).Value 'Time project arrives at shipyard
        AbgangVaerft = ws1.Cells(j, 6).Value 'Time ship departs from shipyard
        Dock = ws1.Cells(j, 7).Value 'Project's dock number or along quay
        AnkomstDok = ws1.Cells(j, 8).Value 'Time project goes into dock (if it does this)
        AbgangDok = ws1.Cells(j, 9).Value 'Time project leaves dock (if it does this)
        CounterStatistikDok = 0

        If (ArrivalDock >= PeriodStart And ArrivalDock <= PeriodEnd And Dock = "DOC III") Then 'Checks if arrival is within the period and that the ship must be in DOC xxx

            ws3.Range(Cells(Counter - 1, 1), Cells(Counter + 1, 1)).Merge
            ws3.Range(Cells(Counter - 1, 2), Cells(Counter + 1, 2)).Merge
            ws3.Range(Cells(Counter - 1, 3), Cells(Counter + 1, 3)).Merge
            ws3.Range(Cells(Counter - 1, 4), Cells(Counter + 1, 4)).Merge
            ws3.Range(Cells(Counter - 1, 5), Cells(Counter + 1, 5)).Merge
            ws3.Range(Cells(Counter - 1, 6), Cells(Counter + 1, 6)).Merge 
            ws3.Range(Cells(Counter - 1, 7), Cells(Counter + 1, 7)).Merge
            ws3.Range(Cells(Counter - 1, 8), Cells(Counter + 1, 8)).Merge

            ws3.Cells(Counter - 1, 1).Value = ws1.Cells(j, 1).Value 'Transfers values ​​from sheet Input sheet to Sheet Vis_Oversigt
            ws3.Cells(Counter - 1, 2).Value = ws1.Cells(j, 2).Value
            ws3.Cells(Counter - 1, 3).Value = ws1.Cells(j, 3).Value
            ws3.Cells(Counter - 1, 4).Value = ws1.Cells(j, 4).Value
            ws3.Cells(Counter - 1, 5).Value = ws1.Cells(j, 7).Value
            ws3.Cells(Counter - 1, 7).Value = ws1.Cells(j, 5).Value
            ws3.Cells(Counter - 1, 8).Value = ws1.Cells(j, 6).Value

            If PeriodEnd < DepartureYard Then 'Checks if the ship departs the yard after the calendar end date (this is done to avoid marking outside the calendar area)
                PeriodShip = Period 'PeriodShip is defined to be the same time period as the calendar (just to avoid marking outside the calendar area)
                PeriodShip = ws1.Cells(j, 6) - PeriodStart 'If the ship departs the yard before the calendar ends, PeriodShip is defined to be from the start date of the calendar to the ship departure
            End If

            ws3.Range(Cells(Counter, ((ArrivalYard - PeriodStart) + 10)), Cells(Counter, PeriodShip + 10)).Interior.ColorIndex = 5 'Colors the range blue in calendar

            If ArrivalDoc <> "00:00:00" And DepartureDoc <> "00:00:00" Then 'Checks if the ship is scheduled to dock
                If ArrivalDoc >= PeriodStart And ArrivalDoc <= PeriodEnd Then 'Checks if the arrival is within the calendar period
                    If PeriodEnd <= DepartureDoc Then 'Checks if the docking period runs the entire calendar period
                        PeriodEndDoc = Period
                    ElseIf PeriodEnd >= DepartureDoc Then 'Checks if the docking period expires before the calendar period
                        PeriodEndDoc = ws1.Cells(j, 9) - PeriodStart
                    End If

                    ws3.Range(Cells(Counter, ((ArrivalDoc - PeriodStart) + 10)), Cells(Counter, PeriodEndDoc + 10)).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
                    Range(Cells(1, ((ArrivalDoc - PeriodStart) + 1)), Cells(1, PeriodDokEnd + 1)).Value = 1
                    'CounterStatisticDok = PeriodDokEnd - (ArrivalDok - PeriodStart) 'TY

                Than If
            Than If

            Counter = Counter + 3 'advances counter and skips line

        ElseIf PeriodStart > Arrival Yard And PeriodEnd < Departure Yard And Dock = "DOK III" Then

            ws3.Range(Cells(Counter - 1, 1), Cells(Counter + 1, 1)).Merge
            ws3.Range(Cells(Counter - 1, 2), Cells(Counter + 1, 2)).Merge
            ws3.Range(Cells(Counter - 1, 3), Cells(Counter + 1, 3)).Merge
            ws3.Range(Cells(Counter - 1, 4), Cells(Counter + 1, 4)).Merge
            ws3.Range(Cells(Counter - 1, 5), Cells(Counter + 1, 5)).Merge
            ws3.Range(Cells(Counter - 1, 6), Cells(Counter + 1, 6)).Merge
            ws3.Range(Cells(Counter - 1, 7), Cells(Counter + 1, 7)).Merge
            ws3.Range(Cells(Counter - 1, 8), Cells(Counter + 1, 8)).Merge

            ws3.Cells(Counter - 1, 1).Value = ws1.Cells(j, 1).Value 'Transfers values ​​from sheet Input sheet to Sheet Vis_Oversigt
            ws3.Cells(Counter - 1, 2).Value = ws1.Cells(j, 2).Value
            ws3.Cells(Counter - 1, 3).Value = ws1.Cells(j, 3).Value
            ws3.Cells(Counter - 1, 4).Value = ws1.Cells(j, 4).Value
            ws3.Cells(Counter - 1, 5).Value = ws1.Cells(j, 7).Value
            ws3.Cells(Counter - 1, 7).Value = ws1.Cells(j, 5).Value
            ws3.Cells(Counter - 1, 8).Value = ws1.Cells(j, 6).Value

            Range(Cells(Counter, 10), Cells(Counter, Period + 10)).Interior.ColorIndex = 5

            If AnkomstDok <> "00:00:00" And AfgangDok <> "00:00:00" Then 
                If PeriodeStart >= AnkomstDok And PeriodeSlut <= AfgangDok Then 
                    Range(Cells(Counter, 10), Cells(Counter, Periode + 10)).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
                    Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(1, Periode + 1)).Value = 1
                    'CounterStatistikDok = Periode
                End If

                If AnkomstDok >= PeriodeStart And AnkomstDok <= PeriodeSlut Then 
                    If PeriodeSlut <= AfgangDok Then
                        PeriodeDokSlut = Periode
                    ElseIf PeriodeSlut > AfgangDok Then
                        PeriodeDokSlut = ws1.Cells(j, 9) - PeriodeStart
                    End If

                    ws3.Range(Cells(Counter, ((AnkomstDok - PeriodeStart) + 10)), Cells(Counter, PeriodeDokSlut + 10)).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
                    ws4.Range(Cells(1, ((AnkomstDok - PeriodeStart) + 1)), Cells(1, PeriodeDokSlut + 1)).Value = 1
                    'CounterStatistikDok = (AnkomstDok - PeriodeStart) - PeriodeDokSlut
                End If

                If AnkomstDok < PeriodeStart And AfgangDok <= PeriodeSlut Then
                    Range(Cells(Counter, 10), Cells(Counter, (AfgangDok - PeriodeStart) + 10)).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
                    Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(1, (AfgangDok - PeriodeStart) + 1)).Value = 1
                    'CounterStatistikDok = (AfgangDok - PeriodeStart)
                End If

            End If
            Counter = Counter + 3

        ElseIf AfgangVaerft >= PeriodeStart And AfgangVaerft <= PeriodeSlut And AnkomstVaerft < PeriodeStart And Dok = "DOK III" Then
            ws3.Range(Cells(Counter - 1, 1), Cells(Counter + 1, 1)).Merge
            ws3.Range(Cells(Counter - 1, 2), Cells(Counter + 1, 2)).Merge
            ws3.Range(Cells(Counter - 1, 3), Cells(Counter + 1, 3)).Merge
            ws3.Range(Cells(Counter - 1, 4), Cells(Counter + 1, 4)).Merge
            ws3.Range(Cells(Counter - 1, 5), Cells(Counter + 1, 5)).Merge
            ws3.Range(Cells(Counter - 1, 6), Cells(Counter + 1, 6)).Merge
            ws3.Range(Cells(Counter - 1, 7), Cells(Counter + 1, 7)).Merge
            ws3.Range(Cells(Counter - 1, 8), Cells(Counter + 1, 8)).Merge

            ws3.Cells(Counter - 1, 1).Value = ws1.Cells(j, 1).Value 'Overfører værdier fra sheet Indtastningsark til Sheet Vis_Oversigt
            ws3.Cells(Counter - 1, 2).Value = ws1.Cells(j, 2).Value
            ws3.Cells(Counter - 1, 3).Value = ws1.Cells(j, 3).Value
            ws3.Cells(Counter - 1, 4).Value = ws1.Cells(j, 4).Value
            ws3.Cells(Counter - 1, 5).Value = ws1.Cells(j, 7).Value
            ws3.Cells(Counter - 1, 7).Value = ws1.Cells(j, 5).Value
            ws3.Cells(Counter - 1, 8).Value = ws1.Cells(j, 6).Value
            Range(Cells(Counter, 10), Cells(Counter, (AfgangVaerft - PeriodeStart) + 10)).Interior.ColorIndex = 5

            If AnkomstDok <> "00:00:00" And AfgangDok <> "00:00:00" Then 'Tjekker om skibet er sat til at skulle i dok
                If PeriodeStart >= AnkomstDok And AfgangDok >= PeriodeStart Then 'Tjekker om kalenderperioden optræder i værftsperioden
                    Range(Cells(Counter, 10), Cells(Counter, ((AfgangDok - PeriodeStart) + 10))).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
                    Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(1, ((AfgangDok - PeriodeStart) + 1))).Value = 1
                    'CounterStatistikDok = (AfgangDok - PeriodeStart)
                End If

                If AnkomstDok >= PeriodeStart Then 'Tjekker om ankomsten ligger inden for kalenderperioden
                    ws3.Range(Cells(Counter, ((AnkomstDok - PeriodeStart) + 10)), Cells(Counter, (AfgangDok - PeriodeStart) + 10)).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
                    Range(Cells(1, ((AnkomstDok - PeriodeStart) + 1)), Cells(1, (AfgangDok - PeriodeStart) + 1)).Value = 1
                    'CounterStatistikDok = (AfgangDok - PeriodeStart) - (AnkomstDok - PeriodeStart)
                End If

                If AnkomstDok <= PeriodeStart And AfgangDok > PeriodeStart Then
                    Range(Cells(Counter, 10), Cells(Counter, (AfgangDok - PeriodeStart) + 10)).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
                    Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(1, (AfgangDok - PeriodeStart) + 1)).Value = 1
                    'CounterStatistikDok = (AfgangDok - PeriodeStart)
                End If

            End If
            Counter = Counter + 3

        End If
        'If CounterStatistikDok > 0 Then
        CounterStatistikDok = CounterStatistikDok + 1
        'End If

        'laydaysDok3 = laydaysDok3 + CounterStatistikDok
        'ws2.Cells(5, 2).Value = laydaysDok3
        'ws2.Cells(5, 2).Value = Excel.WorksheetFunction.Sum(ws4.Range("A1:A500"))
    Next j

    Call Bedding

And below almost the same as above, for the next docks.

I have tried making Sub for Bedding with and without what is above the line with the text: 'Here follows the algorithm for Bedding

Sub for bedding:

Sub Bedding()

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False

    Call Lav_Kalender_Ny 'Get the macro that creates the calendar

    Dim ws3 As Worksheet, ws1 As Worksheet, ws2 As Worksheet, ws4 As Worksheet
    Dim PeriodeStart As Date, PeriodeSlut As Date, AnkomstVaerft As Date, AfgangVaerft As Date, AnkomstDok As Date, AfgangDok As Date
    Dim ProjectCount As Integer, Counter As Integer, Periode As Integer, PeriodeSkib As Integer, StartAnkomst As Integer, PeriodeDokSlut As Integer, RowCount As Long, PeriodeDok As Integer, ColumnCount As Integer, LineCount As Integer
    Dim Dok As String, WeekDay As String, laydaysDok3 As Integer, CounterStatistikDok As Integer

    Dim VDate As Boolean
    Set ws1 = Sheets("Indtastningsark")
    Set ws3 = Sheets("Vis_Oversigt")
    Set ws2 = Sheets("Statistik")
    Set ws4 = Sheets("MIS")

    VDate = IsDate(Range("C4"))

    If VDate = False Then
        Exit Sub
    End If

    VDate = IsDate(Range("E4"))
    If VDate = False Then
        Exit Sub
    End If

    If ws3.Cells(4, 6) > 400 Then
        Exit Sub
    End If

    If ws3.Cells(4, 6) < 0 Then
        Exit Sub
    End If

    'Her følger algortimen for Bedding

    For j = 3 To ProjectCount
        AnkomstVaerft = ws1.Cells(j, 5).Value
        AfgangVaerft = ws1.Cells(j, 6).Value
        Dok = ws1.Cells(j, 7).Value
        AnkomstDok = ws1.Cells(j, 8).Value '
        AfgangDok = ws1.Cells(j, 9).Value
        If (AnkomstVaerft >= PeriodeStart And AnkomstVaerft <= PeriodeSlut And Dok = "Bedding") Then
            ws3.Range(Cells(Counter - 1, 1), Cells(Counter + 1, 1)).Merge
            ws3.Range(Cells(Counter - 1, 2), Cells(Counter + 1, 2)).Merge
            ws3.Range(Cells(Counter - 1, 3), Cells(Counter + 1, 3)).Merge
            ws3.Range(Cells(Counter - 1, 4), Cells(Counter + 1, 4)).Merge
            ws3.Range(Cells(Counter - 1, 5), Cells(Counter + 1, 5)).Merge
            ws3.Range(Cells(Counter - 1, 6), Cells(Counter + 1, 6)).Merge
            ws3.Range(Cells(Counter - 1, 7), Cells(Counter + 1, 7)).Merge
            ws3.Range(Cells(Counter - 1, 8), Cells(Counter + 1, 8)).Merge

            ws3.Cells(Counter - 1, 1).Value = ws1.Cells(j, 1).Value 'Overfører værdier fra sheet Indtastningsark til Sheet Vis_Oversigt
            ws3.Cells(Counter - 1, 2).Value = ws1.Cells(j, 2).Value
            ws3.Cells(Counter - 1, 3).Value = ws1.Cells(j, 3).Value
            ws3.Cells(Counter - 1, 4).Value = ws1.Cells(j, 4).Value
            ws3.Cells(Counter - 1, 5).Value = ws1.Cells(j, 7).Value
            ws3.Cells(Counter - 1, 7).Value = ws1.Cells(j, 5).Value
            ws3.Cells(Counter - 1, 8).Value = ws1.Cells(j, 6).Value

            If PeriodeSlut < AfgangVaerft Then
                PeriodeSkib = Periode
                PeriodeSkib = ws1.Cells(j, 6) - PeriodeStart
            End If

            ws3.Range(Cells(Counter, ((AnkomstVaerft - PeriodeStart) + 10)), Cells(Counter, PeriodeSkib + 10)).Interior.ColorIndex = 5 'Farver Rangen blå i kalenderen

            If AnkomstDok <> "00:00:00" And AfgangDok <> "00:00:00" Then
                If AnkomstDok >= PeriodeStart And AnkomstDok <= PeriodeSlut Then
                    If PeriodeSlut <= AfgangDok Then
                        PeriodeDokSlut = Periode
                    ElseIf PeriodeSlut >= AfgangDok Then
                        PeriodeDokSlut = ws1.Cells(j, 9) - PeriodeStart
                    End If

                    ws3.Range(Cells(Counter, ((AnkomstDok - PeriodeStart) + 10)), Cells(Counter, PeriodeDokSlut + 10)).Interior.ColorIndex = 43

                    Range(Cells(2, ((AnkomstDok - PeriodeStart) + 1)), Cells(2, PeriodeDokSlut + 1)).Value = 1

                End If
            End If

            Counter = Counter + 3
        ElseIf PeriodeStart >= AnkomstVaerft And PeriodeSlut <= AfgangVaerft And Dok = "Bedding" Then
            ws3.Range(Cells(Counter - 1, 1), Cells(Counter + 1, 1)).Merge
            ws3.Range(Cells(Counter - 1, 2), Cells(Counter + 1, 2)).Merge
            ws3.Range(Cells(Counter - 1, 3), Cells(Counter + 1, 3)).Merge
            ws3.Range(Cells(Counter - 1, 4), Cells(Counter + 1, 4)).Merge
            ws3.Range(Cells(Counter - 1, 5), Cells(Counter + 1, 5)).Merge
            ws3.Range(Cells(Counter - 1, 6), Cells(Counter + 1, 6)).Merge
            ws3.Range(Cells(Counter - 1, 7), Cells(Counter + 1, 7)).Merge
            ws3.Range(Cells(Counter - 1, 8), Cells(Counter + 1, 8)).Merge

            ws3.Cells(Counter - 1, 1).Value = ws1.Cells(j, 1).Value
            ws3.Cells(Counter - 1, 2).Value = ws1.Cells(j, 2).Value
            ws3.Cells(Counter - 1, 3).Value = ws1.Cells(j, 3).Value
            ws3.Cells(Counter - 1, 4).Value = ws1.Cells(j, 4).Value
            ws3.Cells(Counter - 1, 5).Value = ws1.Cells(j, 7).Value
            ws3.Cells(Counter - 1, 7).Value = ws1.Cells(j, 5).Value
            ws3.Cells(Counter - 1, 8).Value = ws1.Cells(j, 6).Value

            Range(Cells(Counter, 10), Cells(Counter, Periode + 10)).Interior.ColorIndex = 5

            If AnkomstDok <> "00:00:00" And AfgangDok <> "00:00:00" Then
                If PeriodeStart >= AnkomstDok And PeriodeSlut <= AfgangDok Then
                    Range(Cells(Counter, 10), Cells(Counter, Periode + 10)).Interior.ColorIndex = 43
                    Range(Cells(2, 1), Cells(2, Periode + 1)).Value = 1
                End If

                If AnkomstDok >= PeriodeStart And AnkomstDok <= PeriodeSlut Then
                    If PeriodeSlut <= AfgangDok Then
                        PeriodeDokSlut = Periode
                    ElseIf PeriodeSlut > AfgangDok Then
                        PeriodeDokSlut = ws1.Cells(j, 9) - PeriodeStart
                    End If

                    ws3.Range(Cells(Counter, ((AnkomstDok - PeriodeStart) + 10)), Cells(Counter, PeriodeDokSlut + 10)).Interior.ColorIndex = 43

                    ws4.Range(Cells(2, ((AnkomstDok - PeriodeStart) + 1)), Cells(2, PeriodeDokSlut + 1)).Value = 1

                End If

                If AnkomstDok < PeriodeStart And AfgangDok <= PeriodeSlut Then
                    Range(Cells(Counter, 10), Cells(Counter, (AfgangDok - PeriodeStart) + 10)).Interior.ColorIndex = 43

                    Range(Cells(2, 1), Cells(2, (AfgangDok - PeriodeStart) + 1)).Value = 1
                End If

            End If
            Counter = Counter + 3

        ElseIf AfgangVaerft >= PeriodeStart And AfgangVaerft <= PeriodeSlut And AnkomstVaerft < PeriodeStart And Dok = "Bedding" Then
            ws3.Range(Cells(Counter - 1, 1), Cells(Counter + 1, 1)).Merge
            ws3.Range(Cells(Counter - 1, 2), Cells(Counter + 1, 2)).Merge
            ws3.Range(Cells(Counter - 1, 3), Cells(Counter + 1, 3)).Merge
            ws3.Range(Cells(Counter - 1, 4), Cells(Counter + 1, 4)).Merge
            ws3.Range(Cells(Counter - 1, 5), Cells(Counter + 1, 5)).Merge
            ws3.Range(Cells(Counter - 1, 6), Cells(Counter + 1, 6)).Merge
            ws3.Range(Cells(Counter - 1, 7), Cells(Counter + 1, 7)).Merge
            ws3.Range(Cells(Counter - 1, 8), Cells(Counter + 1, 8)).Merge

            ws3.Cells(Counter - 1, 1).Value = ws1.Cells(j, 1).Value
            ws3.Cells(Counter - 1, 2).Value = ws1.Cells(j, 2).Value
            ws3.Cells(Counter - 1, 3).Value = ws1.Cells(j, 3).Value
            ws3.Cells(Counter - 1, 4).Value = ws1.Cells(j, 4).Value
            ws3.Cells(Counter - 1, 5).Value = ws1.Cells(j, 7).Value
            ws3.Cells(Counter - 1, 7).Value = ws1.Cells(j, 5).Value
            ws3.Cells(Counter - 1, 8).Value = ws1.Cells(j, 6).Value

            Range(Cells(Counter, 10), Cells(Counter, (AfgangVaerft - PeriodeStart) + 10)).Interior.ColorIndex = 5

            If AnkomstDok <> "00:00:00" And AfgangDok <> "00:00:00" Then 'Tjekker om skibet er sat til at skulle i dok
                If PeriodeStart >= AnkomstDok And AfgangDok >= PeriodeStart Then
                    Range(Cells(Counter, 10), Cells(Counter, (AfgangDok - PeriodeStart) + 10)).Interior.ColorIndex = 43

                    Range(Cells(2, 1), Cells(2, ((AfgangDok - PeriodeStart) + 1))).Value = 1

                End If

                If AnkomstDok >= PeriodeStart Then

                    ws3.Range(Cells(Counter, ((AnkomstDok - PeriodeStart) + 10)), Cells(Counter, (AfgangDok - PeriodeStart) + 10)).Interior.ColorIndex = 43

                    Range(Cells(2, ((AnkomstDok - PeriodeStart) + 1)), Cells(2, (AfgangDok - PeriodeStart) + 1)).Value = 1

                End If

                If AnkomstDok <= PeriodeStart And AfgangDok > PeriodeStart Then
                    Range(Cells(Counter, 10), Cells(Counter, (AfgangDok - PeriodeStart) + 10)).Interior.ColorIndex = 43

                    Range(Cells(2, 1), Cells(2, (AfgangDok - PeriodeStart) + 1)).Value = 1

                End If

            End If
            Counter = Counter + 3

        End If

    Next j

End Sub

I've tried splitting the VBA into several, but I think there's a problem with the counter. I'm not a super user of codes, so I don't really know how to split this up into several Subs.


  • For a start you could replace these repeating blocks

      ws3.Range(Cells(counter - 1, 1), Cells(counter + 1, 1)).Merge
      ws3.Range(Cells(counter - 1, 2), Cells(counter + 1, 2)).Merge
      ws3.Range(Cells(counter - 1, 3), Cells(counter + 1, 3)).Merge
      ws3.Range(Cells(counter - 1, 4), Cells(counter + 1, 4)).Merge
      ws3.Range(Cells(counter - 1, 5), Cells(counter + 1, 5)).Merge
      ws3.Range(Cells(counter - 1, 6), Cells(counter + 1, 6)).Merge
      ws3.Range(Cells(counter - 1, 7), Cells(counter + 1, 7)).Merge
      ws3.Range(Cells(counter - 1, 8), Cells(counter + 1, 8)).Merge
      ws3.Cells(counter - 1, 1).Value = ws1.Cells(j, 1).Value
      ws3.Cells(counter - 1, 2).Value = ws1.Cells(j, 2).Value
      ws3.Cells(counter - 1, 3).Value = ws1.Cells(j, 3).Value
      ws3.Cells(counter - 1, 4).Value = ws1.Cells(j, 4).Value
      ws3.Cells(counter - 1, 7).Value = ws1.Cells(j, 5).Value
      ws3.Cells(counter - 1, 8).Value = ws1.Cells(j, 6).Value
      ws3.Cells(counter - 1, 5).Value = ws1.Cells(j, 7).Value

    With calls to a sub

    Call TransferData(ws1.Cells(j, 1), ws3.Cells(counter - 1, 1))
    Sub TransferData(rngFrom, rngTo)
       Dim c As Long, arMap
       For c = 1 To 8
           rngTo.Offset(0, c - 1).Resize(3).Merge
       arMap = Array(0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 4)
       For c = 1 To 7
           rngTo.Offset(0, arMap(c - 1)) = rngFrom.Offset(0, c - 1)
    End Sub

    Not sure all the logic is correct but hopefully you get the idea

    Option Explicit
    Sub ProcessAllDocks()
        Dim id, n As Long, targetRow As Long, LastRow As Long
        'Call Lav_Kalender_Ny 'Get the macro that creates the calendar
        ' clear old data
        With ThisWorkbook
            With .Sheets("Vis_Oversigt")
                ' check valid dates
                If IsDate(.Range("C4")) = False Or IsDate(.Range("E4")) = False Then
                    MsgBox "Date error in C4 or E4", vbExclamation
                    Exit Sub
                ElseIf .Range("F6") > 400 Or .Range("F6") < 0 Then
                    MsgBox "F6 >400 or <0", vbExclamation
                    Exit Sub
                End If
                .Unprotect Password:="5980"
                LastRow = .Range("B" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
                If LastRow >= 6 Then
                    .Range("A6:I" & LastRow).UnMerge
                    .Rows("6:" & LastRow + 2).Clear
                End If
                .Rows("3:" & LastRow + 2).RowHeight = 18
                .Columns("A:A").NumberFormat = "@"
            End With
            With .Sheets("MIS")
            End With
        End With
        ' process each dock
        targetRow = 7
        For Each id In Array("DOC III", "Bedding")
           n = n + 1
           Call ProcessDock(n, CStr(id), targetRow)
        MsgBox n & " docks processed", vbInformation
    End Sub
    Sub ProcessDock(n As Long, dockID, ByRef targetRow)
        Dim ws1 As Worksheet, ws2 As Worksheet, ws3 As Worksheet, ws4 As Worksheet
        Dim LastProjectRow As Long, r As Long, dock As String
        Dim dtCalStart As Date, dtCalEnd As Date
        Dim dtArrive As Date, dtDepart As Date ' yard
        Dim dtEntry As Date, dtExit As Date ' dock
        Dim bInYard As Boolean, bInDock As Boolean
        With ThisWorkbook
            Set ws1 = .Sheets("Indtastningsark") ' Project entry sheet
            Set ws2 = .Sheets("Statistik") 'Statistics
            Set ws3 = .Sheets("Vis_Oversigt") ' Overview
            Set ws4 = .Sheets("MIS") '
        End With
        ' Vis_Oversigt
        With ws3
            'start date for the calendar
            dtCalStart = ws3.Cells(4, 3).Value
            'end date for the calendar
            dtCalEnd = ws3.Cells(4, 5).Value
        End With
        ' ws1 - Project Entry Sheet. Sorted by DOK/KAJ
        ' Finds the number of entered projects on the Input sheet
        LastProjectRow = ws1.Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
        ' Scan each project
        For r = 3 To LastProjectRow
            ' check dock ID
            If ws1.Cells(r, "G").Value = dockID Then 'Project's dock number or along quay
                With ws1
                    dtArrive = .Cells(r, "E").Value 'Time ship arrives at shipyard
                    dtDepart = .Cells(r, "F").Value 'Time ship departs from shipyard
                    dtEntry = .Cells(r, "H").Value 'Time ship goes into dock (if it does this)
                    dtExit = .Cells(r, "I").Value 'Time ship leaves dock (if it does this)
                End With
                bInYard = False
                bInDock = False
                ' Checks if Arrival in Dock ?? is within the period
                If (dtArrive >= dtCalStart) And (dtArrive <= dtCalEnd) Then
                    bInYard = True
                    'Checks if the ship is scheduled to dock
                    If dtEntry <> "00:00:00" And dtExit <> "00:00:00" Then
                        'Checks if the arrival is within the calendar period
                        If dtEntry >= dtCalStart And dtEntry <= dtCalEnd Then
                            bInDock = True
                        End If
                    End If
                ' Check if Arrival is before Period and Departs after Period
                ElseIf (dtArrive < dtCalStart) And (dtDepart > dtCalEnd) Then
                    bInYard = True
                    ' color dock red=3
                    If dtEntry <> "00:00:00" And dtExit <> "00:00:00" Then
                        If dtEntry <= dtCalStart And dtExit >= dtCalEnd Then
                            bInDock = True
                        ElseIf dtEntry >= dtCalStart And dtEntry <= dtCalEnd Then
                            bInDock = True
                        ElseIf dtEntry < dtCalStart And dtExit <= dtCalEnd Then
                            bInDock = True
                        End If
                    End If
                ' Check if Arrival is before Period and Exits Dock within Period
                ElseIf dtArrive < dtCalStart _
                   And dtExit >= dtCalStart And dtExit <= dtCalEnd Then
                    bInYard = True
                    'Tjekker om skibet er sat til at skulle i dok
                    'Checks whether the ship is set to dock
                    If dtEntry <> "00:00:00" And dtExit <> "00:00:00" Then
                        'Tjekker om kalenderperioden optræder i værftsperioden
                        'Checks whether the calendar period appears in the yard period
                        If dtEntry <= dtCalStart And dtExit >= dtCalEnd Then
                            bInDock = True
                        'Tjekker om ankomsten ligger inden for kalenderperioden
                        'Checks whether the arrival is within the calendar period
                        ElseIf dtEntry >= dtCalStart Then
                            bInDock = True
                        ElseIf dtEntry <= dtCalStart And dtExit > dtCalStart Then
                            bInDock = True
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
                ' transfer data
                If bInYard Then
                    Call TransferData(ws1.Cells(r, 1), ws3.Cells(targetRow - 1, 1))
                    ' Fill Calendar with in yard dates 5-Blue
                    Call FillCalendar(5, ws3.Cells(targetRow, "J"), dtArrive, dtDepart, dtCalStart, dtCalEnd)
                    If bInDock Then
                        ' Fill calendar with in dock dates red-3 and MIS with 1's
                        Call FillCalendar(3, ws3.Cells(targetRow, "J"), dtEntry, dtExit, dtCalStart, dtCalEnd, ws4.Cells(n, 1))
                    End If
                    targetRow = targetRow + 3
                End If
            End If
        MsgBox dockID & " Processed", vbInformation
    End Sub
    Sub TransferData(rngFrom, rngTo)
       Dim c As Long, arMap
       For c = 1 To 8
           rngTo.Offset(0, c - 1).Resize(3).Merge
       arMap = Array(0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 4)
       For c = 1 To 7
           rngTo.Offset(0, arMap(c - 1)) = rngFrom.Offset(0, c - 1)
    End Sub
    Sub FillCalendar(iColor, rng, dtStart, dtEnd, dtCalStart, dtCalEnd, Optional rngMIS)
        Dim dt1 As Date, dt2 As Date
        ' constrain start date to calendar start
        dt1 = IIf(dtStart < dtCalStart, dtCalStart, dtStart)
        ' constrain end date to calendar end
        dt2 = IIf(dtEnd > dtCalEnd, dtCalEnd, dtEnd)
        ' fill cells
        rng.Offset(0, dt1 - dtCalStart).Resize(, dt2 - dt1 + 1).Interior.ColorIndex = iColor
        ' markup MIS
        If IsMissing(rngMIS) Then
           ' skip
            rngMIS.Offset(0, dt1 - dtCalStart).Resize(, dt2 - dt1 + 1) = 1
        End If
    End Sub