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Mudblazor MudDropZone - Simple Blazor App - How do I catch DragStart and DragEnd events?

The simplest example can be found on their website: ( I want to modify this example and catch the OnDragStart and OnDragEnd event as noted in their documentation: MudDynamicDropItem methods

None of the examples show how to do this. I can't seem to figure it out. I'm missing something obvious probably. I don't want to use javascript, I want to use the MudBlazor calls as they are listed in the documentation. Does anyone have a way to do this? All I want to do is a Console.WriteLine("On dragstart" + item.Name) and Console.WriteLine("On dragend" + item.Name). I know I'll kick myself when I see the answer but nothing has worked and I'm not seeing it.


  • I believe the documentation you provided is outdated.

    In the latest version (7.15 at this moment) you should use ItemPicked event callback like this:

    <MudDropContainer T="DropItem" Items="_items" ItemsSelector="@((item,dropzone) => item.Identifier == dropzone)" ItemPicked="ItemPicked" ItemDropped="ItemUpdated" Class="d-flex flex-wrap flex-grow-1">
            <MudDropZone T="DropItem" Identifier="Drop Zone 1" Class="rounded mud-background-gray pa-6 ma-8 flex-grow-1">
                <MudText Typo="Typo.h6" Class="mb-4">Drop Zone 1</MudText>
            <MudDropZone T="DropItem" Identifier="Drop Zone 2" Class="rounded mud-background-gray pa-6 ma-8 flex-grow-1">
                <MudText Typo="Typo.h6" Class="mb-4">Drop Zone 2</MudText>
            <MudPaper Elevation="25" Class="pa-4 my-4">@context.Name</MudPaper>
    @code {
        private void ItemUpdated(MudItemDropInfo<DropItem> dropItem)
            dropItem.Item.Identifier = dropItem.DropzoneIdentifier;
        private void ItemPicked(MudDragAndDropItemTransaction<DropItem> dropItem)
        private List<DropItem> _items = new()
            new DropItem(){ Name = "Drag me!", Identifier = "Drop Zone 1" },
            new DropItem(){ Name = "Or me!", Identifier = "Drop Zone 2" },
            new DropItem(){ Name = "Just Mud", Identifier = "Drop Zone 1" },
        public class DropItem
            public string Name { get; init; }
            public string Identifier { get; set; }