I'm using Node.js:
var s = 'Who\'s that girl?';
var url = 'http://graph.facebook.com/?text=' + encodeURIComponent(s);
request(url, POST, ...)
This does not work! And Facebook cuts off my text...
Full code:
function postToFacebook(fbid, access_token, data, next){
var uri = 'https://graph.facebook.com/'+String(fbid)+'/feed?access_token='+access_token;
var uri += '&' + querystring.stringify(data);
'uri': uri,
var d = {
'name':'Who\'s that girl?',
'link': 'http://example.com',
'caption': 'some caption...',
'description': 'some description...',
'picture': 'http://i.imgur.com/CmlrM.png',
postToFacebook(req.user.fb.id, req.user.fb.accessToken, d);
Facebook gets a blank post on the wall. No text shows. Nothing.
When I log my URI, it is this:
Obviously if you take a look at that URL, you see that the apostrophe is not being encoded correctly.
I'm doing a similar thing (also with Node.js) and first tried using JavaScript's built-in escape() function, but it didn't really work.
Here's how I ended up getting search to work. It might just be a fluke:
function doMySearch(showTitle) {
showTitle = escapeShowTitle(showTitle)
var url = "http://graph.facebook.com/search?q=" + showTitle + "&type=page"
function escapeShowTitle(title) {
title = title.replace(/'/g, "")
title = escape(title)
return title
doMySearch("America's Funniest home Videos")