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databricks clusters edit command with a json file

I have many UI clusters in a databricks workspace (Azure), each cluster has spark environment variables. In an automated flow (CI/CD pipelines) i want to add cluster_id value to the existing spark environment variable for each cluster. I'm using az databricks workspaces list | ConvertFrom-Json command to get a list of workspaces databricks clusters list --output JSON | ConvertFrom-Json command to get all clusters' json configuration. Then i'm adding cluster_id property to the spark_env_vars.

My approach is to save retrieved JSON configuration to a temp file, using PowerShell add cluster_id value to the spark_env_vars section and then using databricks clusters edit --json @$tempFile apply it to a cluster.

The problem i face is that the edit command throws warnings and is not applying an updated JSON. Warning list contains a lot of fields that are part of my JSON and the warning text is like:

  • Warning: unknown field: cluster_source
  • Warning: unknown field: creator_user_name
  • Warning: unknown field: default_tags
  • Warning: unknown field: last_restarted_time
  • Warning: unknown field: last_state_loss_time

It seems to me that those fields are read-only and that's why it fails but i wonder what is another approach to do that? I would like to avoid filtering-out in the code read-only fields and i hope there should be an easier way to add spark environment variable to the existing cluster.

Important is that there are already some other spark env. variables so i have to preserve them and add just cluster_id as an additional one.

In addition, at the end of the warnings list i get an error: Error: failed to reach RUNNING, got TERMINATED: Inactive cluster terminated (inactive for 20 minutes). which seem to me like that edit databricks cli command is trying to start a cluster? - why, when in databricks documentation it is stated that

A cluster can be updated if it is in a RUNNING or TERMINATED state.

and my clusters are in Terminated state when i'm trying to edit their configuration.

Or maybe there is a way to retrieve only writable fields list? I was also thinking to try apply json with only spark environment variables but in the documentation read that i have to provide full json file, like if i provide only spark env vars it will fail/loose all other configuration.

Update: content of the temp JSON file i'm trying to apply:

    "autoscale": {
      "max_workers": 8,
      "min_workers": 1
    "autotermination_minutes": 20,
    "azure_attributes": {
      "availability": "ON_DEMAND_AZURE",
      "first_on_demand": 1,
      "spot_bid_max_price": -1
    "cluster_id": "1111-11111-1kj1k2",
    "cluster_name": "my-cluster-name",
    "cluster_source": "UI",
    "creator_user_name": "***",
    "custom_tags": {
      "cluster-purpose": "compute",
      "driver-node-sku": "Standard_DS3_v2",
      "service": "databricks-cluster",
      "team": "dev",
      "vm-purpose": "db_cluster",
      "worker-node-sku": "Standard_DS3_v2"
    "data_security_mode": "USER_ISOLATION",
    "default_tags": {
      "ClusterId": "1111-11111-1kj1k2",
      "ClusterName": "my-cluster-name",
      "Creator": "***",
      "Vendor": "Databricks",
      "application": "databricks",
      "cost-category": "processing",
      "disaster-recovery": "none",
      "service-classification": "private"
    "driver_node_type_id": "Standard_DS3_v2",
    "enable_elastic_disk": true,
    "enable_local_disk_encryption": false,
    "last_restarted_time": 1844324754432,
    "last_state_loss_time": 1844348533345,
    "node_type_id": "Standard_DS3_v2",
    "policy_id": "KDDSFFS8433D",
    "spark_conf": {
      "": "",
      "": "",
      "": "",
      "": "",
      "": ""
    "spark_context_id": 34950873489578234,
    "spark_env_vars": {
      "AZ_RSRC_GRP_NAME": "rg",
      "AZ_RSRC_NAME": "db-1",
      "AZ_RSRC_PROV_NAMESPACE": "Microsoft.Databricks",
      "AZ_RSRC_TYPE": "workspaces",
      "AZ_TENANT_ID": "",
      "CLIENT_ID": "",
      "CLIENT_SECRET": "",
      "DB_CLUSTER_NAME": "my-cluster-name",
      "DCP_URL": "",
      "DCR_ID": "",
      "DCR_STREAMNAME": "",
      "PROJ_ENV": "dev",
      "LOG_ANALYTICS_WORKSPACE_ID": "54jh6m45",
      "DB_CLUSTER_ID": "1111-11111-1kj1k2"
    "spark_version": "14.3.x-scala2.12",
    "start_time": 1844324754432,
    "state": "TERMINATED",
    "state_message": "Inactive cluster terminated (inactive for 20 minutes).",
    "terminated_time": 1844348533345,
    "termination_reason": {
      "code": "INACTIVITY",
      "parameters": {
        "inactivity_duration_min": "20"
      "type": "SUCCESS"

Interestingly that file that i retrieve with edit clusters command to which i'm adding 1 line with the DB_CLUSTER_ID to the spark environment variables is 80 lines and if i go to the databricks workspace cluster and click view JSON is it just 57 lines, so edit command i returning more properties that you can see on the cluster's page.


  • Output of get is not a valid input to edit.

    Most databricks cli commands that take --json argument, will accept the json that corresponding REST API will accept. In this case /api/2.1/clusters/edit

    E.g. to add/update spark env vars.

    PS: See the gotcha at bottom.


    ~ $ dbk clusters create --no-wait --json '{
      "cluster_name": "my-cluster",
      "spark_version": "14.3.x-scala2.12",
      "node_type_id": "i3.xlarge",
      "spark_env_vars": {
        "": "kash"
      "aws_attributes": {
        "first_on_demand": 1,
        "availability": "SPOT",
        "zone_id": "us-east-1"
      "num_workers": 5
    ~ $ dbk clusters get 1112-231831-3fzzepx1 > old.json
    ~ $ grep -nA 2 spark_env_vars old.json
    26:  "spark_env_vars": {
    27-    "":"kash"
    28-  },
    39:    "spark_env_vars": {
    40-      "":"kash"
    41-    },
    ~ $


    ~ $ dbk clusters edit --json '{
      "cluster_name": "my-cluster",
      "cluster_id": "1112-231831-3fzzepx1",
      "num_workers": 5,
      "spark_version": "14.3.x-scala2.12",
      "node_type_id": "i3.xlarge",
      "spark_env_vars": {
        "": "1gentlemann",
        "cluster_id": "1112-231831-3fzzepx1"
    Error: failed to reach RUNNING, got TERMINATED: Finding instances for new nodes, acquiring more instances if necessary
    ~ $ dbk clusters get 1112-231831-3fzzepx1 > new.json
    ~ $ grep -nA 3 spark_env_vars new.json
    26:  "spark_env_vars": {
    27-    "cluster_id":"1112-231831-3fzzepx1",
    28-    "":"1gentlemann"
    29-  },
    36:    "spark_env_vars": {
    37-      "cluster_id":"1112-231831-3fzzepx1",
    38-      "":"1gentlemann"
    39-    },
    ~ $

    Little gotcha is that Databricks updates some things not mentioned in the update JSON. So change your update json to explicitly include all attributes you don't want Databricks to change.

    ~ $ diff -y old.json new.json
        "availability":"SPOT",         |     "availability":"SPOT_WITH_FALLBACK",
        "first_on_demand":1,           |     "first_on_demand":0,
                                       >     "cluster_id":"1112-231831-3fzzepx1",
        "aws_attributes": {            |     "apply_policy_default_values":false,
          "availability":"SPOT",       <
          "first_on_demand":1,         <
          "zone_id":"us-east-1"        <
        },                             <
                                       >       "cluster_id":"1112-231831-3fzzepx1",
    ~ $